28 February 2016 to 4 March 2016
Europe/Zurich timezone

Scientific Programme

  • Quarkonium production in pp, pA and AA collisions: where do we stand ?
    • Progress in QCD correction computations
    • NRQCD non-perturbative matrix elements fits: impact of the excited states
    • Survey on cold nuclear matter effects: initial vs. final state effects & ground vs. excited states
    • Survey on hot nuclear matter effects: initial vs. final state efforts & ground vs. excited states
  • TMD factorisation and associated quarkonium production at the LHC
    • TMD factorisation: constraints on the final-state colour, evolution, QCD corrections
    • Extraction of linearly polarised gluon in unpolarised proton at the LHC: the case of associated quarkonium production
    • Experimental status of associated quarkonium production studies at the LHC, Tevatron and RHIC
  • Excited-quarkonium production in pA and AA collisions
    • Experimental status: LHC, RHIC and fixed-target data
    • Theoretical status: explaining fixed-target, RHIC and LHC data coherently (nuclear absorption, colour screening, energy loss phenomena, low x effects, recombination effects)
    • Relating pA and AA observations
  • Quarkonium-pair production: when TMD meets QGP
    • Quarkonium pair production and Double parton scattering
    • Double Parton Scattering in proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions
    • Prospects for Quarkonium pair production studies in heavy-ion collisions at the LHC
  • Experimental requirements for forthcoming measurements
    • LHC & RHIC prospects
    • Existing fixed-target facilities (COMPASS, Fermilab)
    • Proposed facilities (EIC, LHeC, AFTER@LHC)
  • Summary and outlooks
    • Experimental and theoretical “to do list”
    • How to bridge the gap between heavy-ion and spin theoretical tools
    • How to bridge the gap between heavy-ion and spin experimental studies