International Advisory Committee
A. Andrianov (SPbSU, Russia) | K. Maung (U. of Southern Mississippi, USA) |
M. Baker (U. of Washington, USA) | M. Neubert (JGU of Mainz, Germany) |
M. Beneke (TUM, Germany) | S. Paul (TUM, Germany) |
G. Bodwin (Argonne NL, USA) | J. Pelaez (UC Madrid, Spain) |
A. Buras (TUM, Germany) | K. Peters (GSI, Germany) |
G. Colangelo (U. of Bern, Switzerland) | A. Pich (U. of Valencia, Spain) |
M. Creutz (Brookhaven NL, USA) | G. Prosperi (U. of Milan, Italy) |
G. Ecker (U. of Vienna, Austria) | H. Reinhardt (U. of Tübingen, Germany) |
E. Eichten (Fermilab, Batavia, USA) | J. E. Ribeiro (IST Lisboa, Portugal) |
M. Faber (TU Vienna, Austria) | H. Sazdijan (IPN Orsay, France) |
N. Kaiser (TUM, Germany) | M. Shifman (U. of Minnesota, USA) |
G. Krein (UNESP, Brazil) | J. Soto (U. of Barcelona, Spain) |
W. Lucha (HEPHY, Austria) | H. Suganuma (Kyoto U., Japan) |
M. Lüscher (CERN, Switzerland) | H. Toki (Osaka U., Japan) |
T. Mannel (U. of Siegen, Germany) | E. Tsesmelis (CERN, Switzerland and U. of Oxford, UK) |
A. Manohar (U. of California, USA) | A. Vairo (TUM, Germany) |
G. Martinelli (SISSA, Italy) | U. Wiedemann (CERN, Switzerland) |
Organizing Committee
Y. Foka (GSI, Germany) - chair | M. Janik (WUT, Poland) |
N. Brambilla (TUM, Germany) - co-chair and scientific secretary | A. Katanaeva (SPbSU, Russia) |
E. Andronov (SPbSU, Russia) | G. Kitis (AUTh, Greece) |
T. Alexopoulos (NTUA, Greece) | C. Kourkoumelis (UOA, Greece) |
R. Averbeck (GSI, Germany) | V. Kovalenko (SPbSU, Russia) |
D. Bandekas (EMaTTech, Greece) | A. Liolios (AUTh, Greece) |
T. Dorigo (INFN Padova, Italy) | A. Mischke (Utrecht U. the Netherlands) |
C. Eleutheriadis (AUTh, Greece) | A. Petkou (AUTh, Greece) |
T. Geralis (Demokritos, Greece) | C. Petridou (AUTh, Greece) |
L. Graczykowski (WUT, Poland) | D. Shukhobodskaia (SPbSU, Russia) |
S. Harissopoulos (Demokritos, Greece) | C. Sturm (GSI, Germany) |
A. Ioannidou (AUTh, Greece) |
Workshop Organizers
Y. Foka (GSI, Germany) |
O. Kester (GSI, Germany) |
E. Tsesmelis (CERN, Switzerland and U. of Oxford, UK) |
Sponsors and Organising Institutes