Sep 3 – 5, 2016
Europe/Athens timezone


International Advisory Committee

A. Andrianov (SPbSU, Russia) K. Maung (U. of Southern Mississippi, USA)
M. Baker (U. of Washington, USA) M. Neubert (JGU of Mainz, Germany)
M. Beneke (TUM, Germany) S. Paul (TUM, Germany)
G. Bodwin  (Argonne NL, USA)   J. Pelaez (UC Madrid, Spain)
A. Buras (TUM, Germany) K. Peters (GSI, Germany)
G. Colangelo (U. of Bern, Switzerland) A. Pich (U. of Valencia, Spain)
M. Creutz (Brookhaven NL, USA) G. Prosperi (U. of Milan, Italy)
G. Ecker (U. of Vienna, Austria) H. Reinhardt (U. of Tübingen, Germany)
E. Eichten (Fermilab, Batavia, USA) J. E. Ribeiro (IST Lisboa, Portugal)
M. Faber (TU Vienna, Austria) H. Sazdijan (IPN Orsay, France)
N. Kaiser (TUM, Germany) M. Shifman (U. of Minnesota, USA)
G. Krein (UNESP, Brazil) J. Soto (U. of Barcelona, Spain)
W. Lucha (HEPHY, Austria) H. Suganuma (Kyoto U., Japan)
M. Lüscher (CERN, Switzerland) H. Toki (Osaka U., Japan)
T. Mannel (U. of Siegen, Germany) E. Tsesmelis (CERN, Switzerland and U. of Oxford, UK)
A. Manohar (U. of California, USA) A. Vairo (TUM, Germany)
G. Martinelli (SISSA, Italy) U. Wiedemann (CERN, Switzerland)

Organizing Committee

Y. Foka (GSI, Germany) - chair  M. Janik (WUT, Poland)
N. Brambilla (TUM, Germany) - co-chair and scientific secretary  A. Katanaeva (SPbSU, Russia)
E. Andronov (SPbSU, Russia) G. Kitis (AUTh, Greece)
T. Alexopoulos (NTUA, Greece) C. Kourkoumelis  (UOA, Greece)
R. Averbeck  (GSI, Germany) V. Kovalenko (SPbSU, Russia)
D. Bandekas (EMaTTech, Greece) A. Liolios  (AUTh, Greece)
T. Dorigo (INFN Padova, Italy) A. Mischke (Utrecht U. the Netherlands)
C. Eleutheriadis (AUTh, Greece) A. Petkou (AUTh, Greece)
T. Geralis (Demokritos, Greece) C. Petridou (AUTh, Greece)
L. Graczykowski  (WUT, Poland) D. Shukhobodskaia (SPbSU, Russia)
S. Harissopoulos  (Demokritos, Greece)  C. Sturm  (GSI, Germany) 
A. Ioannidou (AUTh, Greece)  

Workshop Organizers

Y. Foka (GSI, Germany)
O. Kester (GSI, Germany)
E. Tsesmelis (CERN, Switzerland and U. of Oxford, UK)

Sponsors and Organising Institutes  

CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research
EMMI - ExtreMe Matter Institute
FAIR - Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research
GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung
TUM - Technische Universitat Munchen
AUTh - Aristotle University of Thesalloniki
EMaTTech - Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Institute of Technology
National Center for Scientific Research "DEMOKRITOS"
NKUA - National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
NTUA - National Technical University of Athens
NWO - Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research
SPbSU - Saint Petersburg State University
INFN Padova - Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Sezione di Padova
UU - Utrecht University
WUT - Warsaw University of Technology
AMVA4NewPhysics - An ITN of the Horizon2020 EU programme
City of Thessaloniki