EGEE-III All Activity meeting

STOA (Brussels)



VUB, Boulevard de Triomphe, Access 6, building R
An EGEE All Activity meeting to record on the current status of EGI transition planning across the project and to identify the work that needs to take place between now and the summer. Out of the meeting we expect: * Prioritized list of the issues that need to be addressed from the issues raised by EGEE to EGI in DNA1.4 * Identification of tasks across all activities that are currently undertaken by EGEE that are to be undertaken by the NGIs/EGIs/SSIs/other across all activities * Examining the changes that can be made internally to smooth transition to the EGI model at the end of the project Note: Speakers with a 30 minute slot are expected to present for 20 minutes and allow 10 minutes for questions. Speakers with a 20 minute slot are expected to speak for 15 minutes allowing 5 minutes for questions.