25–29 Jul 2016
University of Bergen
Europe/Zurich timezone

Unveiling dark energy with the large scale structure: the theoretical side of the challenge

26 Jul 2016, 11:30
Egget auditorium in the UiB Student Center (University of Bergen)

Egget auditorium in the UiB Student Center

University of Bergen

Parkveien 1, 5007 Bergen, Norway
Invited talk Dark Energy and Modified Gravity


Dr Alessandra Silvestri (Leiden University)


I will focus on the challenge posed by dark energy and discuss theoretical issues involved in finding an optimal framework to unveil its nature from upcoming high precision measurements of the large scale structure, giving an overview of recent progress.


I will focus on the challenge posed by dark energy and discuss theoretical issues involved in finding an optimal framework to unveil its nature from upcoming high precision measurements of the large scale structure, giving an overview of recent progress.

Based on (arXiv number) {}

Primary author

Dr Alessandra Silvestri (Leiden University)

Presentation materials