25–29 Jul 2016
University of Bergen
Europe/Zurich timezone

Sterile neutrino dark matter production from scalar decay

26 Jul 2016, 16:30
Egget auditorium in the UiB Student Center (University of Bergen)

Egget auditorium in the UiB Student Center

University of Bergen

Parkveien 1, 5007 Bergen, Norway
Contributed talk Alternatives to LambdaCDM Cosmology Alternatives to LambdaCDM Cosmology


Michael Schmidt (The University of Sydney)


Sterile Neutrinos with a mass in the keV range form a good candidate for dark
matter. They are naturally produced from neutrino oscillations via their mixing
with the active neutrinos. However the production via non-resonant neutrino
oscillations has recently been ruled out. Sterile neutrino dark matter production from
scalar decay is an attractive possibility to circumvent the astrophysical
constraints. I will discuss different realisations of this interesting
production mechanism.

Based on (arXiv number) 1409.4330, 1507.05694, and ongoing work


Michael Schmidt (The University of Sydney)


Adisorn Adulpravitchai (Chulalongkorn University) Rupert Coy (University of Sydney)

Presentation materials