25–29 Jul 2016
University of Bergen
Europe/Zurich timezone

The 750 GeV in the light of Dark Matter

28 Jul 2016, 11:45
Egget auditorium in the UiB Student Center (University of Bergen)

Egget auditorium in the UiB Student Center

University of Bergen

Parkveien 1, 5007 Bergen, Norway
Contributed talk Dark Matter at Particle Colliders Dark Matter at Particle Colliders


Dr Yann Mambrini (LPT, Paris Saclay)


"Who Ordered that" quipped I.I. Rabi in 1936 for the discovering of the muon. Recently, ATLAS and CMS reported a diphoton excess, which could correspond to a resonance at around 750 GeV, that was not expected by many models. We will discuss the different implications of such a particle in the dark matter framework, reviewing the different phenomenological constructions and the possibility to linked this new particle with the dark matter WIMP paradigm.

Based on (arXiv number) arXiv:1512.04913 ; arXiv:1603.05601

Primary author

Dr Yann Mambrini (LPT, Paris Saclay)

Presentation materials