7–10 Jun 2016
Groningen, Netherlands
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

SLAC T-510: Accelerator measurements of radio emission from particle cascades in the presence of a magnetic field

7 Jun 2016, 16:50
Groningen, Netherlands

Groningen, Netherlands

Hampshire Plaza Hotel


Katharine Mulrey (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)


Cosmic ray induced particle cascades radiate in radio frequencies in the Earth's atmosphere. Geomagnetic and Askaryan emission provide an effective way to detect ultra-high energy cosmic rays. The SLAC T-510 experiment was the first to measure magnetically induced radiation from particle cascades in a controlled laboratory setting. An electron beam incident upon a dense dielectric target produced a particle cascade in the presence of a variable magnetic field. Antennas covering a band of 30-3000 MHz sampled RF emission in vertical and horizontal polarizations.
Results from T-510 are compared to particle-level RF-emission simulations which are critical for reconstructing the energy and composition of detected ultra-high energy cosmic ray air showers. We discuss the experimental set up, the data processing, the systematic errors and the main results of the experiment, which we found in a good agreement with the simulations.


Katharine Mulrey (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

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