7–10 Jun 2016
Groningen, Netherlands
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Proposal for a Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection

10 Jun 2016, 09:30
Groningen, Netherlands

Groningen, Netherlands

Hampshire Plaza Hotel


Olivier Martineau (CNRS)




The Giant Array for Neutrino Detection (GRAND) is a proposal for a giant array of radio antenna aiming primarily at studying high energy (E>3 10$^{16}$eV) neutrinos of cosmic origin, through the detection of air showers induced by the decay in the atmosphere of tau leptons produced by the interaction of the cosmic neutrinos under the Earth surface.
GRAND will aim at a neutrino sensitivity of 2 10$^{-11}$ GeV/cm$^2$/s/sr above 3 10$^{16}$ eV, which should allow for example the detection of up to 150 cosmogenic neutrinos per year for “reasonable” UHECRs models. We show how an array of ~200’000 antennas deployed over a total area of ~200’000km² on appropriate mountainous locations should allow reaching this goal.
Such a detector would also certainly be a very interesting tool for UHECR physics, and possibly to other science cases (study of the Epoch of Reionization for example). We also discuss technological options for the detector and the steps to be taken to achieve this project.


Presentation materials