22–24 Aug 2016
Europe/Berlin timezone

Wakefield Calculation in Dielectrically Lined Rectangular Waveguides Based on a Semi-Analytical Eigenmode Expansion

23 Aug 2016, 10:00
Konferenzsaal A (Warnemünde)

Konferenzsaal A


Technologiezentrum Warnemünde, Friedrich-Barnewitz Straße 5, 18119 Rostock Warnemünde


Franziska Reimann (University of Rostock)


Dielectrically lined waveguides are planned to be used as a passive wakefield dechirper for the electron beam at the ELBE facility of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf. In this work we introduce the design of such a passive wakefield dechirper based on the analysis of dielectrically lined rectangular waveguides with a semi-analytical model developed at the University of Rostock. The model uses an eigenmode expansion of the electric field, which is possible since a closed analytic formulation for the eigenmodes of the dielectrically lined rectangular waveguide is available. The generality of the developed model allows for a quick calculation of the wakefields of numerous different beam types via the Green’s function method.
We also present the dechirped phase-spaces of a variety of beam distributions, as well as the theoretically possible dechirping for the ELBE beam. The author would like to thank the BMBF under contract number 05K13HR2 for funding.

Presentation materials