The Presentations
The speakers are asked to keep the time allotted for their talks as indicated in the conference program. Each slot has 30 minutes: 20 minutes talk + 10 minutes discussion.
All speakers must give their presentations from the laptop set up in the auditorium. Individual laptops or USB sticks cannot be accomodated.
Speakers MUST upload their talks to Indico at least 24 hours in advance of their presentation.
Preparation of Talks
The following precautions should be adhered to, to ensure smooth running of electronic presentations:
Visuals for oral presentations should be in Microsoft Powerpoint, Version 2010 (.ppt or .pptx), Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.x (.pdf). Any animation or video files must be compatible with Windows 7 and Windows Media Player.
Possibly the most typical Powerpoint error is neglecting to embed the fonts into your presentation. If you do not embed fonts and the computer system showing your presentation does not contain the fonts in your presentation, it will substitute another font, often with disastrous results. Together with making your presentation appear unprofessional, a change in font can easily have an impact on text wrapping and table spacing. You can keep this from taking place by using Powerpoint’s "Embed Fonts in File" capability, which assures that the font you used will display on a different computer even if that font has not been installed on the other machine.
For Powerpoint files, use only TrueType fonts and embed them:
To embed fonts in Powerpoint 2010:
- Select the Office Button and select Power Point Options.
- Under Save options, select the Embed fonts in the file checkbox and Embed only the characters used in the presentation.
To embed fonts in Powerpoint 2003:
- On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Save tab.
- Under Save options, select the Embed True Type fonts check box.
To embed fonts in Powerpoint 2000:
- On the File menu, click Save As.
- Click the Tools menu in the toolbar at the top of the Save As dialog box.
- On the menu that appears, select Embed TrueType Fonts.
- Save the file as a Powerpoint Presentation.
For PDF files, be sure to include all fonts when preparing the PostScript and PDF files, too.
Upload of Presentations
You have to log in with our Indico account. Go to the time table of the workshop via and enable the "detailed view". Subsequently, double click on your contribution and click on the "view contribution details" icon on the top right corner of the window which popped up. Then, click on the "manage material" icon in order to upload your slide. Select "protected" to "no" and upload your files. Please ensure that your filename starts with your name followed by the title, e.g. "Flisgen_Compedium_of_Resonant_Modes_in_XFEL.pdf". In case of problems, please contact Thomas Flisgen from the LOC.
At the Conference
Before your session, check back that everything has been loaded OK. Slides that have been successfully captured will be published on the web without further action on your part. At the podium you will be equipped with a laptop displaying your presentation, a simple remote combined with a powerful laser pointer to control your presentation.