The early bird registration fee is 290 € and is available till 25th of June 2016. The fee for a registration after 25th of June 2016 is 340 €.
For a limited number of students, the conference fee can be waived. Please contact Thomas Flisgen from LOC for further information.
The registration fee includes
- a conference kit,
- coffee breaks,
- lunch meals,
- workshop dinner.
The payment has to be made in Euro till 31st of July 2016. All participants are asked to pay in advance. The payment method is bank transfer. Please note that all charges for bank transfer have to be paid by the participant.
Bank Name: Deutsche Bundesbank Rostock
Account Holder: Landeszentralkasse Rostock
IBAN Code: DE 26 1300 0000 0014 0015 18
Bank Identification Code (BIC): MARKDEF1130
The following information also has to be indicated:
- reason of payment: Kz. 7116160027524, HOMSC16
- full name of participant for whom payment is being made
- name of organization/affiliation
Admission to the conference is granted only upon receipt of the registration fee. All participants will get an acknowledgement of payment when registering at the
registration desk at the conference site together with the conference kit and a name badge which should be worn throughout the workshop and the social events.