The electromagnetic field distribution as well as the resonating frequency of various modes in cavities are very sensitive to small geometry deformations. We propose the application of Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) for the spatial discretization of the problem since IGA allows for the exact description of the domains and for a straightforward and convenient way of handling geometrical...
In the design study of future circular collider (FCC) a lepton collider (FCC-ee) is foreseen as a potential intermediate step toward building a 100 TeV pp-collider (FCC-hh). The lepton collider shall operate at four different energies in order to study the properties of Z, W, H and top quark with unprecedented precision. Based on the preliminary studies, a single cavity design that can serve...
Dielectrically lined waveguides are planned to be used as a passive wakefield dechirper for the electron beam at the ELBE facility of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf. In this work we introduce the design of such a passive wakefield dechirper based on the analysis of dielectrically lined rectangular waveguides with a semi-analytical model developed at the University of Rostock. The...
Part of the HiLumi LHC upgrade includes the use of superconducting Niobium crab cavities. The two proposed cavity designs are the Double Quarter Wave (DQW) and Radio Frequency Dipole (RFD). The DQW crab cavity will be tested in the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) at CERN in 2018. Both cavities require Higher Order Mode (HOM) couplers to prevent beam excited HOMs from perturbing the crabbing...