18–22 Apr 2016
DESY Zeuthen
Europe/Berlin timezone

Virtual Cluster Computing in IHEPCloud

21 Apr 2016, 10:15
Seminar room 3 (DESY Zeuthen)

Seminar room 3

DESY Zeuthen

Platanenallee 6, 15738 Zeuthen (near Berlin), Germany
Grid, Cloud & Virtualisation Grids, clouds, virtualisation


Mr Li Haibo (Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences)


With the rapid growth of high energy physics experimental data, the data processing system encounters many problems such as low resource utilization, migration complex and so on, which makes it urgent to enhance the data analysis system ability. Cloud computing which uses virtualization technology provides many advantages to solve these problems in a cost-effective way. In this presentation, we will focus on some work we have done on virtual cluster computing. We will discuss the progress of the project, such as the virtual resource quota management and the support of virtual queue management system: VPBS and VCondor.
Length of presentation (minutes, max. 20) 15


Mr Li Haibo (Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences)


Dr Cheng Yaodong (Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences) Mr Cheng zhenjing (Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences) Mr Cui Tao (Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Presentation materials