20 June 2016 to 1 July 2016
Europe/Zurich timezone

On Information Loss in Two-­Dimensional CFT

23 Jun 2016, 11:30
TH Theory Conference Room (CERN)

TH Theory Conference Room



Jared Kaplan (SLAC)


We discuss information loss from black hole physics
in AdS_3, focusing on two sharp signatures infecting CFT_2 correlators
at large central charge c: 'forbidden singularities' arising from
Euclidean-time periodicity due to the effective Hawking temperature,
and late-time exponential decay in the Lorentzian region. We study an
infinite class of examples where forbidden singularities can be
resolved by non-perturbative effects at finite c, and we show that the
resolution has certain universal features that also apply in the
general case. Analytically continuing to the Lorentzian regime, we
find that the non-perturbative effects that resolve forbidden
singularities qualitatively change the behavior of correlators at
times t~S_BH, the black hole entropy. This may resolve the exponential
decay of correlators at late times in black hole backgrounds. By Borel
resumming the 1/c expansion of exact examples, we explicitly identify
'information-restoring' effects from heavy states that should
correspond to classical solutions in AdS_3. Our results suggest a line
of inquiry towards a more precise formulation of the gravitational
path integral in AdS_3.

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