Since April 2012, the ESRF booster synchrotron is powered with four 150 kW - 352.2 MHz solid state amplifiers (SSA). In 2013 another three 150 kW SSAs were taken into operation on the 6 GeV storage ring, powering new strongly HOM damped cavities, which are run in parallel with the existing five-cell cavities fed from 1.1 MW klystron transmitters. Operation experience and RF system developments partly linked with the recent implementation of top up operation will be reported.
A new ultra low emittance storage ring is under construction at the ESRF and will be installed in the existing tunnel in 2019. All the five-cell cavities will be replaced with single cell HOM damped cavities. Four of them will be powered with SSAs and ten with an existing klystron transmitter.
Since April 2012, the ESRF booster synchrotron is powered with four 150 kW - 352.2 MHz solid state amplifiers (SSA). In 2013 another three 150 kW SSAs were taken into operation on the 6 GeV storage ring, powering new strongly HOM damped cavities, which are run in parallel with the existing five-cell cavities fed from 1.1 MW klystron transmitters. Operation experience and RF system developments partly linked with the recent implementation of top up operation will be reported.
A new ultra low emittance storage ring is under construction at the ESRF and will be installed in the existing tunnel in 2019. All the five-cell cavities will be replaced with single cell HOM damped cavities. Four of them will be powered with SSAs and ten with an existing klystron transmitter.