20–24 Jun 2016
Hôtel Mercure Président, Grenoble, France
Europe/Zurich timezone

Some Thoughts on the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade (APS-U) 352MHz RF System

22 Jun 2016, 09:30
Hôtel Mercure Président, Grenoble, France

Hôtel Mercure Président, Grenoble, France

Grenoble, France
Oral presentation Status and projects 1


Alireza Nassiri (Argonne National Laboratory)


A hybrid seven-bend achromat lattice is designed for the APS-U multi-bend achromat (MBA) which will require a bunch-lengthening cavity to mitigate the effects of Touschek scattering on the beam lifetime. Accommodating MBA lattice in the existing APS storage ring tunnel will require reconfiguration of the present storage ring rf system. We will describe various potential RF system configurations.


A hybrid seven-bend achromat lattice is designed for the APS-U multi-bend achromat (MBA) which will require a bunch-lengthening cavity to mitigate the effects of Touschek scattering on the beam lifetime. Accommodating MBA lattice in the existing APS storage ring tunnel will require reconfiguration of the present storage ring rf system. We will describe various potential RF system configurations.


Alireza Nassiri (Argonne National Laboratory)

Presentation materials