Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

10 March 2016
Cosener's House
Europe/London timezone

Participant List

54 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Adrian Bevan Queen Mary University of London
Akram Khan Brunel University (GB)
Alan Barr University of Oxford (GB)
Alasdair Winter University of Birmingham
Andrew Blue University of Glasgow (GB)
Andrew Holland Centre for Electronic Imaging, Open University
Bart Hommels Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge (GB)
Chen Liejian
Craig Buttar University of Glasgow (GB)
Craig Anthony Sawyer STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB)
Daniel Muenstermann Lancaster University (GB)
Daniela Bortoletto University of Oxford (GB)
David Smith Brunel University London
Davide Costanzo University of Sheffield (GB)
Dima Maneuski University of Glasgow
Elvedin Tahirovic Queen Mary, University of London
Enrico Giulio Villani STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB)
Eva Vilella Figueras University of Liverpool (GB)
Fergus Wilson Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Gianluigi Casse University of Liverpool (GB)
Heiko Augustin Physikalisches Institut Heidelberg
Ian Dawson University of Sheffield
Ian Shipsey Oxford
Jaap Velthuis University of Bristol (GB)
Jaya John John University of Oxford (GB)
Jens Dopke STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB)
Joel Goldstein University of Bristol (GB)
John Matheson STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB)
Joost Vossebeld University of Liverpool (GB)
Konstantin Stefanov Open University
kostas Mavrokoridis University of Liverpool (GB)
Laura Gonella University of Birmingham (UK)
Marcello Borri University of Liverpool (GB)
Neil Geddes STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB)
paul seller RAL
Petra Riedler CERN
Philip Patrick Allport University of Birmingham (UK)
Qinglei Xiu RAL
Reinhild Peters University of Manchester (GB)
Richard Bates University of Glasgow (GB)
Richard French University of Sheffield (GB)
Richard Plackett University of Oxford
Robert Flack UCL
Roy Lemmon STFC - Daresbury Lab. (GB)
Simon Jolly University College London
Stephan Eisenhardt University of Edinburgh (GB)
Stephen Mcmahon STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB)
Steven Worm STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB)
Themis Bowcock University of Liverpool
Tim Jones University of Liverpool (GB)
Todd Brian Huffman University of Oxford (GB)
Tony Affolder University of Liverpool (GB)
Trevor Vickey University of Sheffield (GB)
Zhige Zhang RAL