8–10 Jun 2016
Asia/Bangkok timezone

Determination airborne particulate in communities near sugar plant

Not scheduled
Poster presentation Environmental Physics, Atmospheric Physics, Geophysics and Renewable Energy


Mr piriyq praneekit (ราชภัฏมหาสารคาม)



This research was study particulate matter quantity and element in particulate matter to compare particulate matter quantity with pollution control department (PCD) standard and find the source of the particulate matter. Element quantity is analyzed by x-ray fluorescence technique (XRD).
The study found that have a lot of communities near the sugar factory. Nongkungtoaw village is selected for this study. The village is about two kilometers away from sugar factory. Put high volume air sampler at the front of the temple. Particulate matter is collected for two day per week.
The study found that average in Wednesday is 60.20 µg/m3 lass than PCD standard. But particulate matter quantities at June 18, 2557 have a more than PCD standard. From analysis in Wednesday found that the most element is calcium(Ca). Calcium is the element that is a component of limestone. Limestone is composed of concrete. Show that on such a large traffic volume. The particulate matter quantity average in Sunday is 51.12 µg/m3 µg/m3 lass than pollution control PCD standard. But particulate matter quantities at June 8, 2557 have a more than PCD standard. From analysis in Sunday found that the most elements are Chromium (Cr) and Silicon (Si). Chromium (Cr) and Silicon (Si) are heavy elements found that in nature. Show that on such a windy.

Primary author

Mr piriyq praneekit (ราชภัฏมหาสารคาม)

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