Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

Collaboration meeting



# ARGUS Collaboration Meeting - 22/1/2016


## General News

Approval for the selection of a new candidate is expected by end of this month or the next
* In the worst case, selection in March

Presentation at last GDB about INDIGO AAI, with some slides on ARGUS
* Some feedback received
* Emphasized that ARGUS is capable of playing a role in a federated identity work
* Would be interesting to get a feedback from WLCG workshop discussions

## EL7 and Java8 support

Development status
* Functional test suite migrated to a robot framework
* Release is complete: waiting for feedback, from CERN in particular
  * Ben expected to test it in the coming days: plan is to put one node of the production in Q/A mode and if successful, others will be upgraded
  * Still need to build the EL6 RPMs
  * PEP callout for GSI is still missing in the repo: Misha tested the existing version on EL7 and found no problem
* Need to clarify the configuration status: sites should rely on existing tools and modules, like Puppet (or Quattor)
  * No need to setup a Puppet infrastructure, can be used in standalone mode (a la DPM)

Stress test suite by Tamas: not yet in Git, still to be done

UMD4: everything is available, it just needs to be done
* Could go into umd4-preview soon
* Andrea: is there any possibility for a PT to push new stuff in the preview repo, in the same way as in EPEL
  * Vincenzo: not yet considered but a good suggestion. Will be discussed.
* ARGUS in EPEL: not feasible so far because of the missing Java dependencies, may have improved in EL7

Documentation migration to ReadTheDocs
* First pages look good, need fixing for tables
* Go further migrating the pages exported from CERN: review the contents for existing pages

## Open Issues and New Features

CERN issue: operations now pretty stable after the NFS mount option was changed to increase caching
* CMS also found a bug in their VOBOX explaining the problem with the VOBOX cert being used instead of the user cert

Addition of the PEPd capability to look at CA type for IOTA support
* Preliminary work done but not really started

DB prototype for the gridmapdir: no additional work yet, foreseen in the next months
* Not considered high priority

## AOB

Next meeting: February 26th, 2pm

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 14:00 14:10
      General news 10m
      INDIGO recruitment
    • 14:10 14:30
      EL7 and Java8 support 20m
      Development news (Andrea) UMD4 integration status (Vincenzo) Test suite and stress tests (Tamas) Documentation migration status (Michel)
    • 14:30 14:50
      Open issues and new features 20m
      CERN issue status DB backend prototype for pool account allocation
    • 14:50 15:00
      AOB 10m
      Next meeting