November 28, 2016 to December 2, 2016
Australia/Sydney timezone

The 13th International Symposium on Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics (CosPA 2016) will be hosted by the University of Sydney from November 28 to December 2, 2016 at the Sydney Nanoscience Hub, located on the University's Camperdown Campus.

CosPA 2016 will bring together theorists, experimentalists, and observers working in the fields of particle physics, cosmology, and astrophysics to discuss the latest results and ideas, and prospects for progress.

The conference will feature invited plenary talks covering topics of recent interest. A number of parallel sessions will provide an opportunity for junior scientists to present their work.

We look forward to seeing you in Sydney.


Plenary speakers include:

Jenni Adams (U. Canterbury)            IceCube
Elisabetta Barberio (U. Melbourne) SABRE
Jose Bellido (U. Adelaide) Pierre Auger Observatory
Regina Caputo (UC Santa Cruz) Fermi LAT
Roland Crocker (ANU) Galactic positron population
Tamara Davis (U. Queensland) Dark Energy with the Dark Energy Survey
Silvia Galli (IAP Paris) Planck CMB results
Paolo Gondolo (U. Utah) Dark matter theory
Clancy James (Erlangen-Nürnberg) ANTARES/KM3NeT
Jihn E. Kim (Kyung Hee U.) Axions
Chia-Ming Kuo (National Central U.) Invisible Higgs decays, SUSY searches and BSM Higgs at the LHC
Alexander Kusenko (UCLA) Baryo-/Leptogenesis
Geraint Lewis (U. Sydney) Cosmological surveys
Eric Linder (UC Berkeley) Dark energy
Manfred Lindner (MPIK Heidelberg) Dark matter direct detection
David McClelland (ANU) Gravitational waves
Millie McDonald (U. Melbourne)
Mono-X, dijet, and long-lived particle searches at the LHC
Mercedes Paniccia (Geneva U.) AMS
David Parkinson (U. Queensland) Tests of modified gravity
Lisa Randall (Harvard U.) Darkly-Charged Dark Matter
Gavin Rowell (U. Adelaide) The Cherenkov Telescope Array: A TeV Gamma-Ray Observatory
Misao Sasaki (Kyoto U.) Inflation
Pat Scott (Imperial College London) Astroparticle tests of dark matter theories
Arman Shafieloo (KASI Daejeon) Consistency checks of LCDM
Shinji Tsujikawa (Tokyo U. of Sci.) Theories of modified gravity
Raymond Volkas (U. Melbourne) Outlook for the discovery of new physics
Wei Wang (Sun Yat-sen U.) Neutrino experiments
David Wiltshire (U. Canterbury) Inhomogeneous cosmology
Tsutomu Yanagida (U. Tokyo) Neutrino mass in the landscape of vacua


Important reminder: All foreign visitors must obtain a valid visa before travelling to Australia!  Please make the necessary arrangements well ahead of time.



International Advisory Committee  
Nicole Bell (The University of Melbourne) Bo-Qiang Ma (Peking University)
Pisin Chen (National Taiwan University) Sandip Pakvasa (University of Hawaii)
Kiwoon Choi (Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon) Raymond Volkas (The University of Melbourne)
Tamara Davis (The University of Queensland) Bin Wang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Richard Easther (The University of Auckland) David Wiltshire (University of Canterbury)
Xiao-Gang He (National Taiwan University) Jun’ichi Yokoyama (The University of Tokyo)
W.-Y. Pauchy Hwang (National Taiwan University)  
Local Organising Comittee  
Jan Hamann (The University of Sydney) Michael Schmidt (The University of Sydney)
Gary Hill (The University of Adelaide) Kevin Varvell (The University of Sydney)
Archil Kobakhidze (The University of Sydney) Yvonne Wong (The University of New South Wales)
Geraint Lewis (The University of Sydney)  


We gratefully acknowledge sponsorship by:


Header photo by David Iliff. License: CC-BY-SA 3.0