CERN School of Computing 2016
Welcome to the CERN School of Computing. This year's CSC:2016 takes us to Mol, Belgium.
We have an indepth programme of advanced, interesting and challenging computing topics planned, which will provide ECTS university credits upon successful completion of the CSC exam.
CSC:2016 will provide around 50 hours of lectures and hands-on exercises. The hands-on component includes projects and mini-challenges carried out in small groups and as individuals.
However it's not all study; the social and sporting programme is also a vital part of the School. Mol is famous for its lakes, hiking and cycling, as well as the 12th century abbey which makes cheese and beer. Along with your new friends and colleagues at the CSC2016, there will ample opportunities to explore and experience the local area.
The CSC:2016 school is open to postgraduate students and researchers, working at CERN or at external institutes, with a few years of experience in elementary particle physics, in computing or in related fields.