10–14 Oct 2016
San Francisco Marriott Marquis
America/Los_Angeles timezone

The LHCb software and computing upgrade for Run3: opportunities and challenges

11 Oct 2016, 11:30
Sierra C (San Francisco Mariott)

Sierra C

San Francisco Mariott

Oral Track 9: Future directions Track 9: Future Directions


Concezio Bozzi (CERN and INFN Ferrara)


The LHCb detector will be upgraded for the LHC Run 3 and will be readout at 40 MHz, with major implications on the software-only trigger and offline computing. If the current computing model is kept, the data storage capacity and computing power required to process data at this rate, and to generate and reconstruct equivalent samples of simulated events, will exceed the current capacity by a couple of orders of magnitude. A redesign of the software framework, including scheduling, the event model, the detector description and the conditions database, is needed to fully exploit the computing power of new architectures. Data processing and the analysis model will also change towards an early streaming of different data types, in order to limit storage resources, with further implications for the data analysis workflows. Fast simulation will allow to obtain a reasonable parameterization of the detector response in considerably less computing time. Finally, the upgrade of LHCb will be a good opportunity to review and implement changes in the domains of software design, test and review, and analysis workflow and preservation.
In this contribution, activities and recent results in all the above areas are presented.

Primary Keyword (Mandatory) Computing models
Secondary Keyword (Optional) Data processing workflows and frameworks/pipelines
Tertiary Keyword (Optional) Data model

Primary authors

Concezio Bozzi (CERN and INFN Ferrara) Stefan Roiser (CERN)

Presentation materials