10–14 Oct 2016
San Francisco Marriott Marquis
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Computing at the Electron-Ion Collider

11 Oct 2016, 12:15
Sierra C (San Francisco Mariott)

Sierra C

San Francisco Mariott

Oral Track 9: Future directions Track 9: Future Directions


markus diefenthaler (Thomas Jefferson National Laboratory)


The Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) is envisioned as the
next-generation U.S. facility to study quarks and gluons in
strongly interacting matter. Developing the physics program for
the EIC, and designing the detectors needed to realize it,
requires a plethora of software tools and multifaceted analysis
efforts. Many of these tools have yet to be developed or need to
be expanded and tuned for the physics reach of the EIC. Currently,
various groups use disparate sets of software tools to achieve the
same or similar analysis tasks such as Monte Carlo event
generation, detector simulations, track reconstruction, event
visualization, and data storage to name a few examples. With a
long-range goal of the successful execution of the EIC scientific
program in mind, it is clear that early investment in the
development of well-defined interfaces for communicating, sharing,
and collaborating, will facilitate a timely completion of not just
the planning and design of an EIC but ultimate delivery the
physics capable with an EIC. In this presentation, we give an
outline of forward-looking global objectives that we think will
help sustain a software community for more than a decade. We then
identify the high-priority projects for immediate development and
also those, which will ensure an open-source development
environment for the future.

Primary Keyword (Mandatory) Computing models


markus diefenthaler (Thomas Jefferson National Laboratory)

Presentation materials