12–17 Sept 2016
US/Eastern timezone

7th Workshop for young scientists on the physics of ultrarelativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions

If you would like to attend the workshop please submit your proposed talk topic together with an abstract through the "Submit Abstract" link and upload your contact information by completing the registration form found under the "Registration" link. The deadline is June 3, 2016.

NEW: The proceedings submission deadline is October 31, 2016.



Stefano TROGOLO  received the Klaus Kinder-Geiger Award for the best presentation at the HQ'16 conference.

Topics that are addressed include:

  • QCD at high temperature/density and lattice QCD
  • Initial state effects and Color Glass Condensate
  • Relativistic hydrodynamic and collective phenomena
  • Correlations and fluctuations
  • Jets in the vacuum and in the medium
  • Baryons and strangeness
  • Heavy flavor, dileptons and photons
  • Applications of String Theory and AdS/CFT
  • Experimental techniques and future programs