15–20 Feb 2010
TU Vienna
Europe/Vienna timezone

Status of Aerogel Radiator with High Refractive Indices

Not scheduled
HS 1 (TU Vienna)

HS 1

TU Vienna

Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
Board: A34
Poster C


Dr Makoto Tabata (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA))


A proximity focusing ring imaging Cherenkov (RICH) counter based on silica aerogel radiator has been developed for a new particle identification device in the Belle detector upgrade. In this study, we are developing hydrophobic and highly transparent aerogel with the refractive index range of 1.04 to 1.07, and achieved a transmission length of 50 mm at 400 nm wavelength. As an additional study, ultra high density aerogel with refractive indices up to 1.26 was developed for particle identification in low momentum region. Our new production method of hydrophobic silica aerogel: Pinhole Drying method makes possible production of these excellent aerogels. Performance of new aerogel tiles as a Cherenkov radiator was examined by a prototype RICH counter with electron beams.

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Primary author

Dr Makoto Tabata (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA))


Prof. Hideyuki Kawai (Chiba University) Dr Hiroshi Yokogawa (Panasonic Electric Works Co.,Ltd.) Dr Ichiro Adachi (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)) Prof. Takayuki Sumiyoshi (Tokyo Metropolitan University)

Presentation materials