15–20 Feb 2010
TU Vienna
Europe/Vienna timezone

A system for characterisation of DEPFET silicon pixel matrices and test beam results.

17 Feb 2010, 18:10
HS 1 (TU Vienna)

HS 1

TU Vienna

Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
Contributed Talk Semiconductor Detectors 4


Dr Sergey Furletov (Bonn, Germany; On behalf of the DEPFET Collaboration)


The DEPFET pixel detector offers first stage in-pixel amplification by incorporating a field effect transistor in the high resistivity silicon substrate. In this concept, a very small input capacitance can be realized thus allowing for low noise measurements. This makes DEPFET sensors a favorable technology for tracking in particle physics. Therefore a system with a DEPFET pixel matrix was developed to test DEPFET performance for an application as a vertex detector for the Belle II experiment. The system features a current based, row wise readout of a DEPFET pixel matrix with a designated readout chip, steering chips for matrix control, a FPGA based data acquisition board, and a dedicated software package. The system was successfully operated in both test beam and lab environment. In 2009 new DEPFET matrices have been characterized in a 120 GeV pion-beam at the CERN SPS. The talk will cover the current status of the DEPFET system, test beam results and progress in the development of the new system is presented.

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Primary author

Dr Sergey Furletov (Bonn, Germany; On behalf of the DEPFET Collaboration)

Presentation materials