CWG13 meeting

53/R-044 (CERN)



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      Proposal for repository organisation
      Speaker: Mr Barthelemy Von Haller (CERN)

      Charis: Can bucket depend on another bucket? The buckets can be subset of another bucket. The bigger bucket contains the whole set of the smaller bucket.

      Sylvain: How do we treat the dependency of an executable on a library via buckets? We have slide on it, it is not yet perfect…

      Peter: I do not like the copying of header files in the build directory. We had many problems in the past when wrong header files were used in the compilation.

      Matthias: The split src/include is to make clean separation between public and private interfaces.

      Matthias: The development of AliceO2 does not need installation, only outside packages that use AliO2 will use installation.

      Ivana: We should not copy the headers, but better set the dependencies. I like the idea of private headers, does it mean the other modules cannot use it? – Yes, they are nit seen by the other modules.

      Giulio: AliRoot/AliPhysics is an example of parallel development, and something similar may happen with AliceO2/AliceO2Physics

      Barth: The main goal is to make CMakeLists.txt in a module as simple as possible.

      Sylvain: If we all agree, when would we have the new structure?

      Mohammad, Barth: It would take ~1 week to convert plus 2 weeks for the CMake part, so one month is enough.

      Charis: How do we enforce the decision?

      Barth: To avoid target_link_library is easy, the directory structure can be checked, but some things depend on the good collaboration.

      Giulio: We plan also to detect loops.

      Sylvain: Buckets should be common between the repositories.

      Barth: Yes, the buckets can become part of a new repository.

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      Pull request testing with Jenkins
      Speaker: Giulio Eulisse (CERN)

      Barth: The definition of the control flow now can be versioned, which is nice new feature.


      Sylvain: Do we plan the same system for AliRoot? Yes, we will have it after we move to pull requests.

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      IBM Power8 report

      We decided to send all the slides and pictures to Lionel by the end of next week (29/04/16). Everybody who worked on particular subject should provide list of conclusions that will be summarised at the end of the presentation.