The following session organisation is very preliminary and only meant to give an overview of topics. The schedule will most probably still change.
Monday afternoon:
- Recap of last-year’s edition, aims for this workshop
- Case study: Higgs/DY/QQbar production
Tuesday morning:
- Case study: high-pT dijet production in the back-to-back region
- Relevance of factorisation breaking, energy dependence (RHIC to LHC)
- Relevance to BSM searches
Tuesday afternoon:
- high-pT jet production in SCET?
Wednesday morning
- Tools, TMDlib
- Monte Carlo’s: GENEVA, TMDs in PYTHIA8, TMDs from parton shower MC
- TMD pdfs from precision fits to HERA data
Wednesday afternoon
- TMDs in the non-perturbative, few 100 MeV regime
- fit phenomenology - non-perturbative contribution to evolution
- Dyson-Schwinger
- Spin physics
- Holographic approach
Thursday morning
- Overflow from previous sessions
- Round-table discussion: TMD theory from different approaches (low x, …)
- Round-table discussion: future measurements