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Geneva GiP Day 2017

Auditorium (Musèe d'Ethnographie de Genève)


Musèe d'Ethnographie de Genève

Boulevard Carl-Vogt 65-67 1205 Genève
Teresa Montaruli (Universite de Geneve (CH)), Tessa Lauren Carver (Universite de Geneve (CH))
The primary topic of the meeting is the analysis of the existing actions towards Gender Equity Practices in Physics and Astronomy Research and High Level Education Institutes involving Research Performing Organizations (RPO) and Research Funding Organizations (RFO), Cantonal and Federal Institutes in Switzerland. Current statistics and action plans will be presented concerning the UniGE (with focus on the Section of Physics) and other Swiss Universities and Federal Institutes, such as SNSF (including the NCCRs). Some actions will be discussed in detail, such as quotas in hiring and committees, dual and early career actions, and childcare and family support. The focus will be on identifying the most successful actions that really made a difference in the Science and in the Physics/Astronomy academic and research domain. Examples from other domains will be covered. M. Widmer will lead a discussion of the public and of a selected panel in the afternoon and conclusions will be drawn on possible proposals of new actions or reinforcing existing actions. The aim of the meeting is ultimately to inspire a number of durable actions beyond GENERA that could influence the local environment culture and academia to ultimately increase the number of women in Science. The meeting will be attended by other GENERA members for other countries, given that the aim of GENERA is also to set up a collaborative network durable beyond the project itself. The other topic of the meeting will be the connection of the university with schools. Programs connecting school and university will be discussed and also actions aimed at increasing them. Though presentations at the meeting are aimed to the primary target of GENERA, employees in the RFO and RPO, a guided discussion session by experts will involve the younger interested audience, PhD and Postdocs. Some school professors will be invited. For further information please contact:
  • Alice Gasparini
  • Ana Akrap
  • Andrea Santamaria
  • Andreas Müller
  • Andromachi Tsirou
  • Anna Garry
  • Anna Sfyrla
  • Brigitte Mantilleri
  • Camacho Reina
  • Camille Bonvin
  • Celine Lichtensteiger
  • Clémence Epitalon
  • Corinne Charbonnel
  • Cornelia Sommer
  • Cyril Martin Alispach
  • Dalia Satkovskiene
  • Daniel Schaerer
  • Daniela Luzi
  • Domenico della Volpe
  • Doris Wastl
  • Ece Akilli
  • Eleonore Besson-Louvrier
  • Elise Schubert
  • Els de Wolf
  • Emily Rickman
  • Eva Servoli
  • Ewelina Ciaputa
  • Felix Läderach
  • Francesca Primas
  • François Baumgartner
  • Gabriela Obexer-Ruff
  • Genevieve Guinot
  • Heather Cegla
  • Helen Giles
  • Imen Al Samarai
  • Irene Baraban
  • Iris Crassee
  • Jan Kerschgens
  • Javiera Rey
  • Jérôme Lacour
  • Kate Shaw
  • Kristin Kaltenhauser
  • Laura Cattaneo
  • Laura Di Gesu
  • Leïla Haegel
  • Lidia Favre-Quattropani
  • Lotta Strandberg
  • Lucia Pavan
  • Lucie Maret
  • Maria Longobardi
  • Marie Lanfermann
  • Mary Matthews
  • Matthieu Heller
  • Maya Frühauf
  • Mercedes Paniccia
  • Meytal Eran-Jona
  • Michal Boron
  • Michel Oris
  • Michele Maggiore
  • Monique Gomez
  • Nadine Afram
  • Nezhla Aghaei
  • Nicole Oetke
  • Njoh Ekoume Theodore Stephane
  • Parisa Khateri
  • Pascal Oesch
  • Pascale Goy
  • Saba Parsa
  • sabah salih
  • Sabine Kradolfer
  • Sandra Citi
  • Sandra Hesping
  • Sarah Seif El Nasr
  • Stefanie Brander
  • Stephanie Bron
  • Susanne Wampfler
  • Sveva Avveduto
  • Teresa Montaruli
  • Tessa Lauren Carver
  • Theodota Lagouri
  • Thomas Berghöfer
  • Valentina Gallo
    • 1
      Registration + Coffee Auditorium


      Musèe d'Ethnographie de Genève

      Boulevard Carl-Vogt 65-67 1205 Genève
    • Session on Analysis of GEPs at UniGE: Session on Analysis of GEPS at UniGE Auditorium


      Musèe d'Ethnographie de Genève

      Boulevard Carl-Vogt 65-67 1205 Genève
      Convener: Prof. Jérôme Lacour (University de Geneva)
      • 2
        Welcome from the UniGE Rectorate
        Speaker: Prof. Michel Oris (Université de Genève)
      • 3
        Objectives of the meeting, introduction on the GENERA project and a
        Speakers: Prof. Teresa Montaruli (Universite de Geneve (CH)), Tessa Carver (University of Geneva)
      • 4
        Le Bureau d’Egalité and GEPs at UniGE also related to Physics/Astronomy domains
        Speaker: Dr Brigitte Mantilleri (Université de Genève)
    • A view from outside: the international experience: Analysis of GEPs in other RPOs in Switzerland and outside Auditorium


      Musèe d'Ethnographie de Genève

      Boulevard Carl-Vogt 65-67 1205 Genève
      Convener: Dr Gabriela Obexer-Ruff (Swissuniversities)
    • 12:32
      Lunch Auditorium


      Musèe d'Ethnographie de Genève

      Boulevard Carl-Vogt 65-67 1205 Genève
    • Session on the liaison between School and University: Liaison between School and University Auditorium


      Musèe d'Ethnographie de Genève

      Boulevard Carl-Vogt 65-67 1205 Genève
      Convener: Dr Thomas Berghoefer (PT-DESY)
      • 9
        The ATHENA program
        Speaker: Prof. Michele Maggiore (Universite de Geneve (CH))
      • 10
        Speaker: Prof. Christoph Renner (Université de Genève)
      • 11
        Enhancing the interest of young girls and female teens for scientific fields through workshops, courses and science weeks.
        Speakers: Dr Farnaz Moser (EPFL), Mrs Helene Fueger (EPFL)
      • 12
        Introducing modern cosmology in high schools
        Speaker: Dr Gasparini Maria Alice (High School Russeau)
      • 13
        An historical touch: Physics and molecular biology at the University of Geneva
        Speaker: Prof. Sandra Citi (University of Geneva)
    • Session on Analysis of GEPs in Switzerland in RFO Auditorium


      Musèe d'Ethnographie de Genève

      Boulevard Carl-Vogt 65-67 1205 Genève
      Convener: Prof. Anna Sfyrla (Universite de Geneve (CH))
    • 15:50
      Coffee Auditorium


      Musèe d'Ethnographie de Genève

      Boulevard Carl-Vogt 65-67 1205 Genève
    • Discussion: Round Table Directed by Brigitte Mantilleri on proposals of GEPs Auditorium


      Musèe d'Ethnographie de Genève

      Boulevard Carl-Vogt 65-67 1205 Genève

      Chairs: Brigitte Mantilleri and Maya Widmer
      Participants: Prof. Tomas Brage, U of Lund (Sweden), Prof. Camille Bonvin, U of Geneva, Dr. Laura Cattaneo, ETHZ, Prof. Michel Oris, Vice-rector, U of Geneva, Dr. Susanne Wampfler, U of Bern

      Conveners: Mrs Brigitte Mantilleri, Dr Maya Widmer
    • 16
      Concluding Remarks Auditorium


      Musèe d'Ethnographie de Genève

      Boulevard Carl-Vogt 65-67 1205 Genève
    • Event: Aperitif and discussions Other Institutes

      Other Institutes

      Départment de Physique Nucleaire et Corpusculaire - 24 Quai Ernest-Ansermet