6–7 Jul 2016
ELI-NP Magurele - Romania
Europe/Zurich timezone
The participation to the event is BY INVITATION. In case you have not been invited and you like to be, please get in touch with Catherine Sarrazin.

Intense Laser Plasma Interactions at UCI

6 Jul 2016, 14:30


Franklin Dollar (UC Irvine)


At the newly formed Laser Plasma Interactions group at UCI, a wide variety of unique laser capabilities is becoming available for use. The 3000 square foot lab is equipped with HEPA filtering and temperature/humidity stability to ensure robust laser operation. A 30 fs Ti:Sapphire regenerative amplifier is at the heart of the laser facility, operating at high repetition rates of 1 kHz and peak powers up to 230 GW. A power amplifier can boost the peak power to 3 TW. Modules for increased laser contrast and decreased pulse duration exist. Nonlinear and parametric amplifiers will enable wavelength tuning from 267 to 2100 nm central wavelengths maintaining short pulse durations. The flexible laser parameters provide a unique complement to laser plasma investigations at ELI.


Franklin Dollar (UC Irvine)


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