26–30 Apr 2009
Palacio de Congresos de Madrid
Europe/Zurich timezone

Heavy flavour effects in the virtual photon structure functions to NLO in QCD

28 Apr 2009, 17:35
Room "SALA 8" (Palacio de Congresos de Madrid)

Room "SALA 8"

Palacio de Congresos de Madrid

Paseo de la Castellana, 99 28046 Madrid España


Tsuneo Uematsu (Kyoto)


We investigate the heavy quark mass effects in the virtual photon structure functions in the framework of the mass-independent renormalization group. We study a formalism in which the heavy quark mass effects are treated based on parton picture as well as on the operator product expansion, and perform the numerical evaluation of the effective virtual photon structure function to the next-leading order in QCD.

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