Charge fluctuations, correlations and balance functions: Afternoon (1)
- Mike Lisa (Ohio State University (US))
- Scott Pratt (Michigan State University)
Charge fluctuations, correlations and balance functions: Afternoon (2)
- Mike Lisa (Ohio State University (US))
- Scott Pratt (Michigan State University)
Forward-backward (FB) correlations are usually measured between observables obtained in an event-by-event analysis in two separated pseudorapidity intervals. Such correlations are considered to be a powerful tool for the exploration of the initial conditions of hadronic interactions. The conventional observable for the FB correlations analysis is the charged particle multiplicity. FB ...
Preliminary results for multiplicity and forward energy fluctuations are
presented for Be+Be and Ar+Sc collisions at 13A, 19A,
30A, 40A, 75A and 150A GeV/c beam momentum. The data were obtained by the
NA61/SHINE detector at the CERN SPS. Centrality selection and
forward energy measurement are based on the nucleon spectator energy
in the forward hemisphere determined by the Projectile...
The NA61/SHINE experiment aims to discover the critical point of strongly interacting matter and study the properties of the onset of deconfinement. For these goals a scan of the two dimensional phase diagram (T-μB) is being performed at the SPS by measurements of hadron production in proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus interactions as a function of collision energy and system size.
In this...
One of the main motivations of heavy ion collision is to explore the QCD phase diagram of strong interaction. In the QCD phase diagram, at large $\mu_{B}$ the existence of critical point (CP) is expected. It is believed that, the non-monotonic behavior of higher moments of the distribution of conserved numbers with $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ is a probe of the QCD critical point. The net-proton...
The modification in jets measured in heavy-ion collisions as compared to jets measured in pp collisions is a rich source of information on the medium properties. The medium-induced modifications are typically seen more clearly at low-$p_{\rm T}$, where full jet reconstruction is difficult due to the very large background in heavy ion collisions. Two-particle correlations provide a way to study...
I will discuss the physics of fluctuations near the QCD critical point and corresponding experimental signatures.
The transverse momentum ($p_{\rm T}$) spectra in proton-proton
collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 7 TeV, measured by the ALICE experiment at
the LHC are analyzed with a thermodynamically consistent Tsallis
distribution. The information about the freeze-out surface in terms of
freeze-out volume, temperature and the non-extensivity parameter, $q$,
for $K^{0}_{S}$, $\Lambda+\bar{\Lambda}$,...
Cumulants of conserved quantities are the powerful tools to study the QCD phase structure. According to the Lattice Gauge Theory calculation, at small $\mu_{B}$ a "smooth cross-over" for the transition from QGP to hadronic system occurs in heavy-ion collisions [1]. One of the possible ways to test the prediction is to measure the higher order cumulants of net-baryon or net-charge multiplicity...
Two-particle angular correlations are a robust tool which allow the explaration of the underlying physics phenomena of particle production in collisions of both protons and heavy ions by studying the distributions of angles in ∆η∆ϕ space (where ∆η is the pseudorapidity difference and ∆ϕ is the azimuthal angle difference between two particles). These correlations open up the possibility to...