Poster session
Limiting fragmentation (LF) or the longitudinal scaling is a well-studied phenomenon in multiparticle production processes observed at various heavy-ion collision experiments and in different types of colliding systems like- $e^+e^-$, $pp(\bar{p})$. It is interesting to verify the validity of this phenomenon at LHC energies. We study this phenomenon using the rapidity spectra of pions starting...
Search for Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) and characterization of the matter formed at high temperature and energy density are the major goals of studying ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions at RHIC and the LHC. The bulk properties of QGP are governed by the light quarks and the heavy quarks are important probes of QGP as they are produced during initial hard scattering and they witness the...
We propose event by event velocity fluctuations of nuclear fission fragments as an additional interesting observable that gives access to the nuclear temperature in an independent way from spectral measurements and relates the diffusion and friction coefficients for the relative fragment coordinate in Kramers-like models (in which some aspects of fission can be understood as the diffusion of a...