Sep 14 – 19, 2009
Strada Passo dell'Acqua, 34 - 06134 Bosco PERUGIA, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

First Results for Electron-Neutrino Appearance in MINOS

Sep 15, 2009, 4:10 PM
Sala Gregorio VI (Strada Passo dell'Acqua, 34 - 06134 Bosco PERUGIA, Italy)

Sala Gregorio VI

Strada Passo dell'Acqua, 34 - 06134 Bosco PERUGIA, Italy
Neutrino Physics DG3 - Neutrino Physics


Mayly Sanchez


MINOS is a long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment designed to make precision measurements of the neutrino mixing parameters associated with the atmospheric neutrino mass splitting. Using a neutrino beam from the Main Injector (NuMI) facility at Fermilab, it compares the neutrino energy spectrum for neutrino interactions observed in two large detectors located at Fermilab and in the Soudan mine in northern Minnesota at a distance of 735km. We describe the first results for electron neutrino appearance in MINOS after two years of data-taking.

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