14–19 Sept 2009
Strada Passo dell'Acqua, 34 - 06134 Bosco PERUGIA, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Future long baseline experiments: options for Europe

16 Sept 2009, 11:40
Sala Gregorio VI (Strada Passo dell'Acqua, 34 - 06134 Bosco PERUGIA, Italy)

Sala Gregorio VI

Strada Passo dell'Acqua, 34 - 06134 Bosco PERUGIA, Italy

Neutrino Physics DG3 - Neutrino Physics


Andre Rubbia


The LAGUNA design study is presently assessing the feasibility of a new large underground infrastructure in Europe for next generation neutrino and proton decay search experiment I will describe the status of LAGUNA and discuss possible options for future long baseline experiments coupled to a potential future program at CERN.


Presentation materials