We study properties of flavor neutrino mass matrix using strong scaling Ansatz (SSA) which is a scaling law of neutrino mass matrix and which requires that ratios of M_{i\mu} divided by M_{i\tau} are all equal where $i=e,\mu,\tau$.
This Ansatz gives vanishing $theta_{13}$, non maximal $theta_{23}$ and their effects will not be affected by renormalization where $theta_{ij}$ stand for i-j mixing angle while $i,j = e,\mu,\tau$.
In the manner of original model of SSA, it is also predicts that we can not realize any hierarchy except for inverted mass hierarchy.
However, we find a new possibility of SSA to realize normal mass hierarchy if tiny breakings of SSA are included.
In our model, to create baryon asymmetry in the universe, Majorana type CP violating phases as well as Dirac type can be large.
We compare our model with original model of SSA and make clear how mixing angles and CP violating phases depend on mass parameters.