14–19 Sept 2009
Strada Passo dell'Acqua, 34 - 06134 Bosco PERUGIA, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Novel Neutrino Beams: R&D and Design Studies in the US

16 Sept 2009, 15:30
Sala Gregorio VI (Strada Passo dell'Acqua, 34 - 06134 Bosco PERUGIA, Italy)

Sala Gregorio VI

Strada Passo dell'Acqua, 34 - 06134 Bosco PERUGIA, Italy

Neutrino Physics DG3 - Neutrino Physics


Terrence Hart


A Neutrino Factory producing intense neutrino beams from muon decays is an intriguing possibility for the next generation of neutrino experiments. Determination of the neutrino mass hierarchy, precision measurements of the neutrino mixing parameters, and observation of CP violation in the neutrino sector are among the many studies possible with a Neutrino Factory. A Neutrino Factory can also be an important step toward the development of a Muon Collider. This talk discusses the current status and plans for Neutrino Factory R&D in the U.S. focusing particularly on accelerator development for generating the high luminosity parent muon beam and development of new neutrino detectors necessary for the higher neutrino intensities.


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