14–19 Sept 2009
Strada Passo dell'Acqua, 34 - 06134 Bosco PERUGIA, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

The ArDM experiment, a double phase liquid argon TPC for direct detection of Dark Matter

17 Sept 2009, 11:00
Sala Orsini (Strada Passo dell'Acqua, 34 - 06134 Bosco PERUGIA, Italy)

Sala Orsini

Strada Passo dell'Acqua, 34 - 06134 Bosco PERUGIA, Italy



Claudia Lazzaro


The goal of the ArDM experiment is a direct detection of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMP) in the universe using a double phase argon TPC. This detector has a fiducial volume of about 1 ton of liquid argon and the detection is done independently by collecting the scintillation light as also by the ionization charge. The Argon scintillation light has to be converted with wavelength shifters and collected by PMT, instead the electrons produced by ionization are extracted from the liquid into the gas phase of the detector, amplified and read out with Large Electron Multipliers detectors. The talk will give an overview of the design of the detector, and of the R&D of the different components, and it will describe the first light readout test with liquid argon with different gamma and neutron sources.


Presentation materials