Alain Blondel
"R&D and Design Studies towards novel neutrino beams are advancing well
in Europe. International R&D experiments (HARP, MERIT, MICE, EMMA) have
been and are succesfully being performed. Design studies of high power
upgrades of existing (ISIS) or planned (SPL) proton machines, of
detector concepts and sites (Laguna) and of high intensity beams
(EUROnu) are in progress.
EUROnu aims, in particular, at the design of
- a Neutrino Factory, within its International Design Study
- a Betabeam neutrino facility
- a low energy 4 MW neutrino Superbeam
A dedicated workshop is being prepared for early October at CERN,
likely to be followed by statements from the CERN Council on the role
that Europe should play in a global accelerator neutrino program."