31 March 2009 to 4 April 2009
Université de Genève
Europe/Zurich timezone


2 Apr 2009, 09:15
Auditoire Stuckelberg (Université de Genève)

Auditoire Stuckelberg

Université de Genève


Natasa Stanič (Invited Speaker)


Balloon, glass of water and cell phone is a triple/simple demonstration of the expansion, composition and size of the Universe. Blowing the balloon and, at certain moment, drowing a small fuzzy things on it to introduce the galaxies is the beginning. Story-telling about the Big Bang (BB) and history of the Universe continues with a glass of water and introducing one part of the water molecul, hidrogen atom, as the most abundant element in the Universe created in the BB. But where the other part, oxygen, came from? Stars shine, but much more important is that they produce the chemical elements that we all are made of. Hidrogen ‘burns’ in central part of a star and gives the helium, then helium ‘burns’ into carbon, and so on. The distance to the Sun, particular star or galaxy we define by time we need to receive cell phone call from there.

Presentation materials