29 May 2017 to 2 June 2017
Intercontinental Hotel
Europe/Zurich timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.

ACTS tracking software

31 May 2017, 10:50


Board: 3WE07B


Julia Hrdinka (Vienna University of Technology (AT))


We present a first assessment of track reconstruction for the FCC-hh detector. Starting from common DD4hep detector input the simulation and reconstruction geometry is built. Events generated with PYTHIA are merged to create a pile-up scenario and the output is fed into the full (Geant4) or fast track simulation (FATRAS). The simulated output is digitized using a geometrical digitization approach. A truth based tracking algorithm bypasses conventional pattern recognition applications and in a final track fit the track resolutions of the current FCC-hh detector are established.


Julia Hrdinka (Vienna University of Technology (AT))


Andreas Salzburger (CERN) Anna Zaborowska (Warsaw University of Technology (PL)) Benedikt Hegner (CERN) Joschka Lingemann (CERN) Valentin Volkl (University of Innsbruck (AT)) Zbynek Drasal (CERN)

Presentation materials