FCC Week 2017

from Monday, May 29, 2017 (8:00 AM) to Friday, June 2, 2017 (6:00 PM)
Intercontinental Hotel

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
May 29, 2017
May 30, 2017
May 31, 2017
Jun 1, 2017
Jun 2, 2017
8:00 AM
Registration (until 9:30 AM) ("Wintergarten")
8:30 AM
Plenaries (until 10:30 AM) ("Pavillon")
8:30 AM Conference opening - Prof. Otmar D. Wiestler (German Helmholtz Gemeinschaft)   ("Pavillon")
8:45 AM Opening address - Rolf Heuer (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   ("Pavillon")
8:50 AM Opening address - Fabiola Gianotti (CERN)   ("Pavillon")
9:00 AM Physics at FCC - Matthew Philip Mccullough (CERN)   ("Pavillon")
10:00 AM Study status & further plans - Michael Benedikt (CERN)   ("Pavillon")
10:30 AM --- Coffee break ---
11:00 AM
Plenaries - Andrea Ghigo (INFN-LNF) (until 12:30 PM) ("Pavillon")
11:00 AM FCC-hh conceptual machine design - CDR plan and status - Daniel Schulte (CERN)   ("Pavillon")
11:30 AM FCC-ee conceptual machine design - CDR plan and status - Katsunobu Oide (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))   ("Pavillon")
12:00 PM HE-LHC and FCC-eh - CDR plan and status - Frank Zimmermann (CERN)   ("Pavillon")
8:30 AM
Conductor - Amalia Ballarino (CERN) (until 10:00 AM) ("Charlottenburg I-II")
8:30 AM The CERN FCC Conductor Development Program - Amalia Ballarino (CERN)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
8:40 AM FCC Conductor Development at Bruker EAS - Klaus Schlenga (Bruker EST)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
9:00 AM FCC Conductor Development in Japan - Toru Ogitsu   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
9:20 AM FCC Conductor Development at KAT-Korea - Dr Jiman Kim (Kiswire Advanced Technology(KAT) )   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
9:40 AM FCC Conductor Development in Russia - Victor Pantsyrny (Bochvqr Institute)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
8:30 AM
FCC-ee physics & experiments - Giuseppe Iacobucci (Universite de Geneve (CH)) (until 10:00 AM) (“Bellevue”)
8:30 AM FCC-ee (History, motivation, overview of present status of design study and issues, run plan) - Patrick Janot (CERN)   (“Bellevue”)
8:50 AM Electroweak physics at the Z and W – experimental capabilities - Paolo Azzurri (INFN Sezione di Pisa, Universita' e Scuola Normale Superiore, P)   (“Bellevue”)
9:10 AM Status and prospects for precision electroweak calculations - Fulvio Piccinini (Universita e INFN, Pavia (IT))   (“Bellevue”)
9:30 AM Beam polarization (longitudinal vs transverse) and energy calibration requirements - Alain Blondel (Universite de Geneve (CH))   (“Bellevue”)
8:30 AM
FCC-hh machine design - Roy Aleksan (until 10:00 AM) (“Pavillon”)
8:30 AM Parameters and layout - Daniel Schulte (CERN)   (“Pavillon”)
8:45 AM Arc design and lattice integration - Dr Antoine Chance (CEA Irfu)   (“Pavillon”)
9:10 AM Experimental insertions - Andrei Seryi (University of Oxford (GB))   (“Pavillon”)
9:35 AM Injections and extraction insertions and dump lines - Florian Burkart (CERN)   (“Pavillon”)
8:30 AM
RF - Anne-Marie Valente-Feliciano (Jefferson Lab) (until 10:00 AM) (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
8:30 AM RF system design for the CEPC main ring - Jiyuan Zhai (IHEP)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
8:50 AM Update on the US decadal roadmap on SRF technology for HEP accelerators - Sergey Belomestnykh (Fermilab)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
9:10 AM Cavity design approaches and HOM damping for FCC-ee - Shahnam Gorgi Zadeh ( Universitaet Rostock (DE))   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
9:30 AM Crab cavities for FCC - Rama Calaga (CERN)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
9:00 AM
EuroCirCol WP4 meeting - Francis Perez (ALBA Synchrotron - CELLS) (until 12:00 PM) ()
10:00 AM --- Coffee break ---
10:30 AM
Conductor - Carmine Senatore (University of Geneva) (until 12:00 PM) ("Charlottenburg I-II")
10:30 AM PIT and RRP for HL-LHC: state of the art performance - Bernardo Bordini (CERN)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
11:00 AM USA procurement of RRP conductor for HL-LHC: state of the art performance - Lance Cooley (Fermilab)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
11:20 AM Maximum potential for PIT and RRP - Peter Lee (Florida State University)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
11:40 AM Development of APC (ZrO2) Nb3Sn multifilamentary and ternary conductor for FCC applications - Mike Sumption (The Ohio State University)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
10:30 AM
FCC-ee physics & experiments -Prof. Daniela Bortoletto (University of Oxford (GB)) (until 12:00 PM) (“Bellevue”)
10:30 AM Higgs physics at FCC-ee - Markus Klute (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))   (“Bellevue”)
10:50 AM Top physics at FCC-ee - Patrizia Azzi (INFN Padova (IT))   (“Bellevue”)
11:10 AM Flavour physics (c, b, LFV) - Stephane Monteil (Univ. Blaise Pascal Clermont-Fe. II (FR))   (“Bellevue”)
11:30 AM QCD and gamma-gamma - David d'Enterria (CERN)   (“Bellevue”)
10:30 AM
FCC-hh machine design - Francesco Cerutti (CERN) (until 12:00 PM) ("Pavillon")
10:30 AM Betatron collimation system insertions - Andy Sven Langner (CERN)   ("Pavillon")
10:52 AM Energy collimation system insertions - Dr Angeles Faus-Golfe (Univ. of Valencia and CSIC (ES))   ("Pavillon")
11:14 AM Longitudinal dynamics and RF requirements - Elena Shaposhnikova (CERN)   ("Pavillon")
11:36 AM Ion considerations - Michaela Schaumann (CERN)   ("Pavillon")
10:30 AM
RF - Robert Alan Rimmer (until 12:00 PM) (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
10:30 AM Potential performance of N doping and Nb3Sn - Samuel Elliott Posen (Department of Physics - University of Toronto)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
10:48 AM ECR: from samples to cavities - Anne-Marie Valente-Feliciano (Jefferson Lab)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
11:06 AM Alternative materials and coating techniques for cavities - Katsiaryna Ilyina (CERN)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
11:24 AM Copper electropolishing studies for the FCC-ee SC-RF cavities - Leonel Marques Antunes Ferreira (CERN)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
11:42 AM Surface characterization of Nb/Cu 6 GHz seamless cavities - Reza Valizadeh (STFC)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
8:30 AM
16 Tesla magnet - Ezio Todesco (CERN) (until 10:00 AM) ("Charlottenburg I-II")
8:30 AM Baseline parameters - Davide Tommasini (CERN)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
8:40 AM Electromagnetic design of the block coil option - Clement Lorin (CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
9:00 AM Electromagnetic design of the common-coils option - Fernando Toral (Centro de Investigaciones Energéti cas Medioambientales y Tecno)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
9:20 AM Electromagnetic design of the cosθ option - Vittorio Marinozzi (University of Milan / INFN)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
9:40 AM Electromagnetic design of the FCC main quadrupoles - Clement Lorin (CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
8:30 AM
FCC-ee - John Seeman (SLAC) (until 10:00 AM) ("Pavillon")
8:30 AM Status of optics - Katsunobu Oide (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))   ("Pavillon")
8:55 AM Overview of optics tuning results and tolerances - Sandra Aumon (CERN)   ("Pavillon")
9:20 AM Emittance measurement using X-ray interferomter and proposal for test in Australian Synchrotron - Toshiyuki Mitsuhashi (KEK)   ("Pavillon")
8:30 AM
FCC-hh machine design - Angeles Faus-Golfe (Univ. of Valencia and CSIC (ES)) (until 10:00 AM) (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
8:30 AM SppC study progress - Jingyu Tang (Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
8:55 AM SppC collimation study - Jianquan Yang (Institute of High Energy Physics (CN))   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
9:15 AM Use of electron lenses in FCC-hh - Vladimir Shiltsev (Fermilab)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
9:35 AM Implications of 5 ns bunch spacing for the injector chain - Elena Shaposhnikova (CERN)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
8:30 AM
FCC-hh physics - Joseph David Lykken (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)) (until 10:00 AM) (“Bellevue”)
8:30 AM Highlights of the FCC-hh physics report and recent progress - Michelangelo Mangano (CERN)   (“Bellevue”)
9:00 AM Questions from the Review Committee and discussion   (“Bellevue”)
10:00 AM --- Coffee break ---
10:30 AM
16 Tesla magnet - Alexander Zlobin (Fermilab) (until 12:00 PM) ("Charlottenburg I-II")
10:30 AM Mechanical design of the block coil option - Clement Lorin (CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
10:50 AM Mechanical design of the common-coils option - Javier Munilla Lopez (CIEMAT)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
11:10 AM Mechanical design of the cosθ option - Barbara Caiffi (INFN Genova)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
11:30 AM Protection of the 16 T EuroCircol dipoles - Tiina-Mari Salmi (Tampere University of Technology, Finland)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
10:30 AM
FCC-ee - Katsunobu Oide (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP)) (until 12:00 PM) (“Pavillon”)
10:30 AM MDI status and overview - Manuela Boscolo (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))   (“Pavillon”)
10:55 AM MDI: synchrotron radiation protection - Michael Kenneth Sullivan (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))   (“Pavillon”)
11:15 AM MDI: trapped modes and other power losses - Alexander Novokhatski (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))   (“Pavillon”)
11:35 AM Solenoid copensation scheme & final quadrupole - Evgeny Levichev (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU))   (“Pavillon”)
10:30 AM
FCC-hh experiments and detectors - Philip Patrick Allport (University of Birmingham (UK)) (until 12:00 PM) (“Bellevue”)
10:30 AM FCC software - Joschka Lingemann (CERN)   (“Bellevue”)
10:50 AM ACTS tracking software - Julia Hrdinka (Vienna University of Technology (AT))   (“Bellevue”)
11:10 AM ACTS tracking performance - Valentin Volkl (University of Innsbruck (AT))   (“Bellevue”)
11:30 AM Fast Simulation with PAPAS - Alice Robson (Universite de Geneve (CH))   (“Bellevue”)
10:30 AM
FCC-hh machine design - Oliver Boine-Frankenheim (TU Darmstadt) (until 12:00 PM) (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
10:30 AM Correction schemes for the interaction region of FCC-hh - Emilia Cruz Alaniz (University of Oxford JAI)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
10:40 AM Exploring the triplet parameter space to optimise the final focus of the FCC - Leon Van Riesen-Haupt   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
10:50 AM Cross-talk simulations between FCC-hh experimental interaction regions - Haroon Rafique (University of Manchester/Cockcroft Institute)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
11:00 AM Simulation of the FCC-hh double crystal-based collimation system - Alexei Sytov (Universita di Ferrara & INFN (IT))   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
11:10 AM Dispersion suppressor protection - Mr Alexander Krainer (CERN)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
11:20 AM Alignment and beam-based correction - David Jean Henri Boutin (CEA)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
11:30 AM Importance of the surface resistivity for the impedance model - Sergey Arsenyev (CERN)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
11:40 AM Landau damping of intra-bunch oscillations - Vladimir Kornilov (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
11:50 AM FCC-hh electron cloud - Lotta Mether (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH))   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
8:30 AM
FCC-ee - Bernhard Holzer (CERN) (until 10:00 AM) ("Charlottenburg I-II")
8:30 AM Beam-beam simulations update - kazuhito ohmi (KEK)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
8:50 AM Beam losses from beamstrahlung and radiative bhabha - Dima El Khechen (CERN)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
9:10 AM Accelerating and injecting polarized beams - Ivan Koop (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU))   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
9:30 AM CEPC Overall Design related to Accelerator Physics - Chenghui Yu (Institute of High Energy Physics (CN))   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
8:30 AM
FCC-hh experiments and detectors - Beate Heinemann (DESY and University of Freiburg (Germany)) (until 10:00 AM) (“Pavillon”)
8:30 AM Electromagnetic calorimeter using LAr technology for FCC - Jana Faltova (CERN)   (“Pavillon”)
8:50 AM Hadron calorimetry at the FCC-hh experiment - Coralie Neubuser (CERN)   (“Pavillon”)
9:10 AM Digital Electromagnetic Calorimetry at the FCC-hh - Tony Price (University of Birmingham (GB))   (“Pavillon”)
9:30 AM A high granularity hadronic calorimeter for multi TeV jets - Sergei Chekanov (Argonne National Laboratory (US))   (“Pavillon”)
8:30 AM
Infrastructure & operation - Christian Prasse (Fraunhofer-Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik) (until 10:00 AM) (“Bellevue”)
8:30 AM Civil engineering optimisation and design development - Joanna Louise Stanyard (CERN)   (“Bellevue”)
8:50 AM Supply and distribution of electrical energy - Davide Bozzini (CERN)   (“Bellevue”)
9:15 AM A ventilation system for the FCC - Guillermo Peon (CERN)   (“Bellevue”)
9:35 AM Cryomagnet logistics and transport - Andreas Nettsträter (Fraunhofer-Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik)   (“Bellevue”)
8:30 AM
Special technologies - Francis Perez (ALBA Synchrotron - CELLS) (until 10:00 AM) (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
8:30 AM Test of FCC-hh beam screens at the ANKA beamline - Luis Antonio Gonzalez Gomez (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
8:48 AM Photon tracing and gas-density profile in the FCC-hh - Ignasi Bellafont (Consortium for the Exploitation of the Synchrotron Light Labor)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
9:06 AM Thermo-mechanical simulation of the FCC-hh beam screen during magnet quench - Javier Fernandez Topham (Centro de Investigaciones Energéti cas Medioambientales y Tecno)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
9:24 AM Cold plasma spray application in the FCC - Cedric Garion (CERN)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
9:42 AM Vacuum characterisation of 3D printed metals - Julien Gargiulo (CERN)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
10:00 AM --- Coffee break ---
10:30 AM
16 Tesla magnet - Pierre Vedrine (CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR)) (until 12:00 PM) (“Bellevue”)
10:30 AM Overview of the US magnet development programme - Soren Prestemon (LBNL)   (“Bellevue”)
10:50 AM Design and status of the 14-15 T demonstrator - Alexander Zlobin (Fermilab)   (“Bellevue”)
11:10 AM Design and status of canted cosθ - Shlomo Caspi (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))   (“Bellevue”)
11:30 AM Common coil design update - Ramesh Gupta (BNL)   (“Bellevue”)
10:30 AM
FCC-ee - Yannis Papaphilippou (CERN) (until 12:00 PM) ("Charlottenburg I-II")
10:30 AM Overview of injector complex - John Seeman (SLAC)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
10:50 AM Linac and damping ring - Salim Ogur (CERN)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
11:10 AM e+ system - Iryna Chaikovska (Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR))   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
11:25 AM Prebooster ring - Ozgur Etisken   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
11:40 AM Booster ring - Bastian Harer (CERN)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
10:30 AM
FCC-hh experiments and detectors - Anne-Isabelle Etienvre (CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR)) (until 12:00 PM) (“Pavillon”)
10:30 AM Introduction - Filip Moortgat (CERN) Heather Gray (LBNL)   (“Pavillon”)
10:40 AM Dark Matter searches - Philip Coleman Harris (CERN)   (“Pavillon”)
11:00 AM Di-Higgs studies - Biagio Di Micco (Universita' degli Studi di Roma Tre e Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN))   (“Pavillon”)
11:15 AM Higgs properties - Michele Selvaggi (CERN)   (“Pavillon”)
11:35 AM Top FCNC - Orhan Cakir (Ankara University (TR))   (“Pavillon”)
11:45 AM Disappearing Track - Ryu Sawada (University of Tokyo (JP))   (“Pavillon”)
10:30 AM
Special technologies - Alexander Ryazanov (until 12:00 PM) (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
10:30 AM Shape memory alloys for remote connection of beam pipes in radioactive areas - Fabrizio Niccoli (Universita della Calabria (IT))   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
10:50 AM High field normal conducting massless septa for FCC beam transfer - Alejandro Sanz Ull (Eindhoven Technical University (NL))   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
11:10 AM FLUKA Montecarlo modelling of the FCC arc cell: radiation environment and energy deposition due to beam-gas interactions - Dr Angelo Infantino (CERN - EN/EA)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
11:30 AM Reflectivity and Photo Yield measurements of technical surfaces. - Eliana La Francesca (LNF INFN (IT))   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
8:30 AM
Summaries - Soren Prestemon (LBNL) (until 10:30 AM) (“Pavillon”)
8:30 AM Summary FCC-hh machine design - Dr Antoine Chance (CEA Irfu)   (“Pavillon”)
9:00 AM Summary FCC-ee machine design - Jorg Wenninger (CERN) Frank Zimmermann (CERN)   (“Pavillon”)
9:30 AM Summary infrastructure & operation - John Andrew Osborne (CERN)   (“Pavillon”)
9:45 AM Summary technologies - Jose Miguel Jimenez (CERN)   (“Pavillon”)
10:00 AM Summary magnets - Luca Bottura (CERN)   (“Pavillon”)
10:15 AM Summary SRF - Erk Jensen (CERN)   (“Pavillon”)
10:30 AM --- Coffee break ---
11:00 AM
Summaries - Pierluigi Campana (Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (LNF)) (until 1:00 PM) (“Pavillon”)
11:00 AM Summary HE LHC - Andrei Seryi (University of Oxford (GB))   (“Pavillon”)
11:15 AM Summary FCC-eh - Oliver Bruning (CERN)   (“Pavillon”)
11:30 AM Summary FCC-hh experiments - Martin Aleksa (CERN)   (“Pavillon”)
12:00 PM Summary FCC-ee experiments - Alain Blondel (Universite de Geneve (CH))   (“Pavillon”)
12:30 PM Closing remarks - Michael Benedikt (CERN)   (“Pavillon”)
12:30 PM --- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
Plenaries - Sergey Belomestnykh (Fermilab) (until 3:30 PM) ("Pavillon")
2:00 PM Civil engineering, infrastructure & operation - CDR plan and status - Volker Mertens (CERN)   ("Pavillon")
2:30 PM Special technologies R&D - CDR plan and status - Jose Miguel Jimenez (CERN)   ("Pavillon")
3:00 PM 16 T magnet R&D - CDR plan and status - Davide Tommasini (CERN)   ("Pavillon")
3:15 PM SRF R&D - CDR plan and status - Olivier Brunner (CERN)   ("Pavillon")
3:30 PM --- Coffee break ---
4:00 PM
Plenaries - Kerstin Borras (DESY / RWTH Aachen University) (until 5:30 PM) ("Pavillon")
4:00 PM FCC-hh experiments & detectors - CDR plan and status - Werner Riegler (CERN)   ("Pavillon")
4:35 PM FCC-ee physics & experiments - CDR plan and status - Roberto Tenchini (INFN Sezione di Pisa, Universita' e Scuola Normale Superiore, P)   ("Pavillon")
5:10 PM FCC-eh - CDR plan and status - Max Klein (University of Liverpool (GB))   ("Pavillon")
5:30 PM --- Cold refreshments ---
6:00 PM
Plenaries - Andrew James Lankford (University of California Irvine (US)) (until 7:30 PM) ("Pavillon")
6:00 PM Global activities on future colliders and ICFA view - Joseph David Lykken (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   ("Pavillon")
6:30 PM Procedure for the next European particle physics strategy update - Sijbrand De Jong (Radboud University Nijmegen (NL)) Fabiola Gianotti (CERN)   ("Pavillon")
7:00 PM CERN accelerator technology roadmap - Frederick Bordry (CERN)   ("Pavillon")
8:00 PM --- Welcome reception ---
12:00 PM --- Lunch ---
1:30 PM
Conductor - David Larbalestier (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory) (until 3:00 PM) ("Charlottenburg I-II")
1:30 PM R&D on Nb3Sn at Fermilab - Alexander Zlobin (Fermilab)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
1:50 PM High Field potentials of MgB2 and Iron based super conductors - Marina Putti (University of Genova)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
2:20 PM REBCO and Bi-2212 - David Larbalestier (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
1:30 PM
FCC-ee physics & experiments - Lucie Linssen (CERN) (until 3:00 PM) (“Bellevue”)
1:30 PM Search for New Physics at the FCC-ee - Maurizio Pierini (CERN)   (“Bellevue”)
1:50 PM FCC-ee requirements and specific designs - Mogens Dam (University of Copenhagen (DK))   (“Bellevue”)
2:10 PM Detector design II (CLIC adaption) - Emilia Leogrande (CERN)   (“Bellevue”)
2:30 PM Experimental environment and luminosity measurement (experimental side of MDI) - Georgios Gerasimos Voutsinas (CERN)   (“Bellevue”)
1:30 PM
FCC-hh machine design - Mauro Migliorati (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT)) (until 3:00 PM) ("Pavillon")
1:30 PM Dynamic aperture and alignment - Barbara Dalena (CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))   ("Pavillon")
1:55 PM Impedances and electron cloud - Oliver Boine-Frankenheim (TU Darmstadt)   ("Pavillon")
2:15 PM Beam‐beam effects - Tatiana Pieloni (EPF Lausanne)   ("Pavillon")
2:35 PM Instrumentation overview and challenges - Laurette Ponce (CERN)   ("Pavillon")
1:30 PM
RF - Jiyuan Zhai (IHEP) (until 3:00 PM) (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
1:30 PM RF scenarios and parameters layout for FCC - Nikolai Schwerg (CERN)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
1:50 PM Cavity design and beam-cavity interaction - Andy Butterworth (CERN)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
2:10 PM Beam Dynamics studies for FCC-ee - Ivan Karpov (CERN)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
2:30 PM RF feedback design and performance - Wolfgang Hofle (CERN)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
3:00 PM --- Coffee break ---
3:30 PM
Conductor - Michael Eisterer (until 5:00 PM) ("Charlottenburg I-II")
3:30 PM Effect of transverse pressure on Nb3Sn cables - Bernardo Bordini (CERN)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
3:50 PM Effect of transverse pressure on Nb3Sn wires - Carmine Senatore   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
4:10 PM Effect of stress in Nb3Sn magnets - emanuela barzi (Fermilab)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
3:30 PM
FCC-ee physics & experiments - Michelangelo Mangano (CERN) (until 5:00 PM) (“Bellevue”)
3:30 PM Complementarity between FCC-ee and FCC-hh Searches for BSM Physics - Jonathan R. Ellis (University of London (GB))   (“Bellevue”)
3:50 PM Higgs physics synergies - Christophe Grojean (DESY (Hamburg) and Humboldt University (Berlin))   (“Bellevue”)
4:10 PM QCD synergies - David d'Enterria (CERN)   (“Bellevue”)
4:30 PM An example of synergy in BSM physics: right-handed neutrinos - Oliver Fischer (Unibas)   (“Bellevue”)
3:30 PM
FCC-hh machine design - Peter-Jurgen Spiller (until 5:00 PM) ("Pavillon")
3:30 PM LHC as 3.3 TeV HEB - Wolfgang Bartmann (CERN)   ("Pavillon")
3:55 PM scSPS as 1.3 TeV HEB - Florian Burkart (CERN)   ("Pavillon")
4:15 PM 3.3 TeV beam injection into combined experimental and injection FCC machine insertions - Michael Hofer (Vienna University of Technology (AT))   ("Pavillon")
4:35 PM Impact of injection energy on collider design - Dr Antoine Chance (CEA Irfu)   ("Pavillon")
3:30 PM
RF - Samuel Elliott Posen (Fermilab) (until 5:00 PM) (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
3:30 PM Nb/Cu perspectives for FCC - Sarah Aull (CERN)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
3:50 PM Innovative cryomodule designs - Robert Alan Rimmer   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
4:10 PM FPC challenges and perspectives for FCC - Eric Montesinos (CERN)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
4:30 PM High efficiency klystron technology - Igor Syratchev (CERN)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
5:00 PM
Poster session (until 7:24 PM) ()
5:00 PM Adaption of the LHC cold mass cooling system to the requirements of the Future Circular Collider (FCC) - Claudio Kotnig (Graz University of Technology (AT))   ()
5:02 PM Pneumatic free valve actuators - Fridolin Holdener (shirokuma GmbH)   ()
5:04 PM A scalable and open system for complex system behaviour assessment - Jussi-Pekka Penttinen (Ramentor Oy)   ()
5:24 PM Impact of large beam-induced heat loads on the transient operation of the beam screens and cryogenic plants of the Future Circular Collider (FCC) - Hugo Ricardo Correia Rodrigues (CERN)   ()
5:26 PM Bose–Einstein condensation in strong interaction processes - Vitaly Okorokov (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (RU))   ()
5:28 PM Scalar particles of the Higgs Triplet Models at the FCC with low energy constraints - Magdalena Kordiaczyńska   ()
5:30 PM Probing the light quark Yukawa couplings through rare exclusive Higgs boson decays - Konstantinos Nikolopoulos (University of Birmingham (GB))   ()
5:32 PM Design Studies of 16 T Nb3Sn Dipole Magnets at Fermilab - Alexander Zlobin (Fermilab)   ()
5:34 PM Internal tin strands designed in RF for application in high field dipoles - ILDAR ABDYUKHANOV (VNIINM (Bochvar Institute))   ()
5:36 PM Analysis of stresses in a 16-T superconducting dipole during a quench - Junjie Zhao (Lanzhou University (CN) and TUT (FI))   ()
5:38 PM First considerations of the layout and lattice design of SPPC - Yukai Chen (IHEP, CAS, China)   ()
5:40 PM Synchrotron radiation backgrounds for the FCC-hh Experiments - Francesco Collamati (INFN)   ()
5:42 PM Modeling approaches for the beam impedance contribution of pumping holes - Bernard Riemann (TU Dortmund University)   ()
5:44 PM Novel technique of solid-state amplifiers design - Dr Georgy Sharkov (SC NIITFA)   ()
5:46 PM Pressure profile in the experimental areas of FCC hh and ee, calculation by an analytical code - Ida Aichinger (Johannes Kepler University (AT))   ()
5:48 PM High-Temperature Superconductor Coating for the FCC Beam Screen - Patrick Krkotic (TU Darmstadt)   ()
5:50 PM Solid-State Marx Generators for use in the Injection Kickers of the Future Circular Collider - Agnieszka Chmielinska (AGH University of Science and Technology (PL))   ()
5:54 PM Axial channeling of high-energy protons in bent crystals as a tool for beam steering or splitting in high-energy hadron accelerators - Laura Bandiera (Universita di Ferrara & INFN (IT))   ()
5:56 PM HTS Coated Conductors for the FCC-hh beam screen - Francis Perez (ALBA Synchrotron - CELLS)   ()
5:58 PM Radiation Monitoring Technologies and Irradiation Test Facilities for FCC - Georgi Gorine (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH))   ()
6:00 PM Remote manipulations and application of unconventional repair technologies in the FCC tunnel - Prof. Toms Torims (Riga Technical University (LV))   ()
6:02 PM Experimental investigation of adsorption and desorption processes of cryosorbed gases on proposed FCC accelerator walls - Marco Angelucci (LNF-INFN (IT))   ()
6:04 PM Kicker pulse generator anomaly detection for reliability improvements through advanced machine learning - Pieter Van Trappen (CERN)   ()
6:06 PM Resonant Production of Scalar Leptons by RPV Couplings at the FCC - Sehban Kartal (University of Istanbul Department of Physics)   ()
6:08 PM Simulations of High efficiency Klystron - Jinchi Cai   ()
6:12 PM Collective Effects in the Interaction Region of FCC-ee - Eleonora Belli (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))   ()
6:14 PM Production of High Mass Charged Higgs Boson at FCC-hh - Ilkay Turk Cakir (Istanbul Aydin University)   ()
6:16 PM Probing Anomalous HVV Couplings at the FCC-ep - Ilkay Turk Cakir (Istanbul Aydin University)   ()
6:18 PM Test of HTS Demonstrator Dipoles in the 11 T Background Field of the SULTAN Facility - Xabier Sarasola (EPFL)   ()
6:20 PM Compact common-coil design for a future collider - Emmanuele Ravaioli (LBNL)   ()
6:22 PM A Code for Optimising Triplet Layout - Leon Van Riesen-Haupt   ()
6:24 PM Strategies to reduce the voltage to ground in the FCC main dipole circuits - Marco Prioli (CERN)   ()
6:26 PM Update on the FCC-hh interaction region design - Roman Martin (CERN)   ()
6:28 PM Application of the wire offset measurements technique in the FCC alignment - Nerea Ibarrola Subiza (CERN)   ()
6:30 PM Electrical transmission line studies - Maria Mylona (CERN)   ()
6:32 PM Eliminating field distortions caused by the HTS beam screen coating - Mr Kristof Brunner (Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU))   ()
6:34 PM HIJING++ Monte Carlo Generator for the Future Heavy-ion Collisions - Dr Gergely Gabor Barnafoldi (Wigner RCP Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU)) Peter Levai (Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU))   ()
6:36 PM New design concepts for suppressing erratic triggering of solid state switch stacks - Pieter Van Trappen (CERN)   ()
6:38 PM 3D modelling of underground structures and integration - Yvon Muttoni (CERN) Fani Valchkova-Georgieva (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BG))   ()
6:44 PM Fire safety - Saverio La Mendola (CERN)   ()
6:46 PM Fire Performance-based Safety design - Andre Henriques (CERN)   ()
6:48 PM Investigation of the mechanical properties of epoxy impregnated Nb3Sn cables - Claudio Fichera (CERN)   ()
6:50 PM Energy Deposition Studies for the New Compact FCC-hh Final-Focus System - Jose L. Abelleira (JAI-Oxford)   ()
6:52 PM A fully symmetric final focus system for FCC-hh - Jose L. Abelleira (JAI-Oxford)   ()
6:52 PM First results of large size SRF cavity fabrication by electrohydraulic forming - Carolina Abajo Clemente (CERN)   ()
6:54 PM Neutron irradiation - Stephan Pfeiffer (TU Vienna)   ()
7:14 PM Beam instability study for FCC-hh - Daria Astapovych (TU Darmstadt)   ()
7:16 PM Development of Distributed Tin processed Nb3Sn wire for FCC - Shinya Kawashima (Kobelco)   ()
7:18 PM Beam abort system for the FCC-ee - Armen Apyan   ()
7:20 PM Functional requirements, design and performance of the transverse damping system - Jani Paavo Olavi Komppula (CERN)   ()
7:22 PM Studies on beam related machine protection of the FCC-hh - Yuancun Nie (CERN)   ()
5:00 PM --- Teatime ---
5:30 PM
FCC-ee physics & experiments (until 7:00 PM) (“Bellevue”)
5:30 PM EFT global fit of Higgs couplings at ee colliders - Jiayin Gu (DESY)   (“Bellevue”)
5:50 PM Implications of a leptoquark explanation of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon for the FCC-ee - Dario Mueller (PSI)   (“Bellevue”)
6:10 PM Present status on numerical calculation of complete 2-loop EWPOs and 3-loop prospects - Janusz Gluza (U. Silesia)   (“Bellevue”)
6:30 PM Precision Observables at FCC-ee: Status and Future - Sven Heinemeyer (CSIC (Madrid, ES))   (“Bellevue”)
5:30 PM
Opportunities for Students - Philippe Lebrun (European Scientific Institute (FR)) (until 7:00 PM) ("Charlottenburg I-II")
5:30 PM EASItrain - Johannes Gutleber (CERN)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
6:00 PM Learning accelerator science and technology : the Joint Universities Accelerator School (JUAS) - Philippe Lebrun (European Scientific Institute (FR))   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
6:20 PM The CERN Accelerator School - Hermann Schmickler (CERN)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
12:00 PM
International Advisory Committee (restricted) - Guenther Dissertori (Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich (CH)) (until 1:30 PM) ("Hugos East")
12:00 PM --- Lunch ---
1:30 PM
16 Tesla magnet - Stephen Gourlay (LBNL) (until 3:00 PM) ("Charlottenburg I-II")
1:30 PM Status of ERMC-RMM - Susana Izquierdo Bermudez (CERN)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
1:50 PM Design of ERMC-RMM - Etienne Rochepault (CERN)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
2:10 PM Status of the wound conductor task - Friedrich Lackner (CERN)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
2:30 PM A canted cosθ option for the FCC - Bernhard Auchmann (CERN)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
1:30 PM
Economic impact of CERN colliders - Massimo Florio (Università degli Studi di Milano (IT)) (until 3:30 PM) (Charlottenburg III )
1:30 PM Introductory Remarks - Frederick Bordry (CERN)   (Charlottenburg III )
1:40 PM Perspectives on CERN procurement: beyond LHC - Lucio Rossi (CERN) Anders Unnervik (CERN)   (Charlottenburg III )
2:00 PM Measuring the CERN effect on company performance with empirical models - Massimo Florio (Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT))   (Charlottenburg III )
2:20 PM A new survey of CERN suppliers: a Bayesian Network Analysis - Emanuela Sirtori   (Charlottenburg III )
2:40 PM Are CERN suppliers different? A quasi-experiment - Andrea Bastianin (Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT))   (Charlottenburg III )
3:00 PM Comments - Katja Kroschewski (DESY) Jörn Krupa (Helmholtz Association) Henning Kroll (Fraunhofer ISI)   (Charlottenburg III )
3:15 PM Discussion   (Charlottenburg III )
1:30 PM
FCC-ee - Evgeny Levichev (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU)) (until 3:00 PM) (“Pavillon”)
1:30 PM Overview of energy calibration - Alain Blondel (Universite de Geneve (CH))   (“Pavillon”)
1:50 PM Transverse polarization - Eliana Gianfelice-Wendt (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (“Pavillon”)
2:10 PM Resonant depolarization process and systematic errors - Dr Anton Bogomyagkov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU))   (“Pavillon”)
2:30 PM Polarimeter design - Jorg Wenninger (CERN)   (“Pavillon”)
1:30 PM
FCC-hh experiments and detectors - Dave Charlton (University of Birmingham (GB)) (until 3:00 PM) (“Bellevue”)
1:30 PM Physics benchmarks and detector specifications - Michele Selvaggi (CERN)   (“Bellevue”)
1:50 PM Radiation environment - Maria Ilaria Besana (CERN)   (“Bellevue”)
2:10 PM FCC-hh Detector Magnets System baseline and variants - Matthias Mentink (CERN)   (“Bellevue”)
2:30 PM FCC-hh Detector Magnet and Detector Integration - Helder Filipe Pais Da Silva (CERN)   (“Bellevue”)
1:30 PM
Special technologies - Michael Kenneth Sullivan (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US)) (until 3:00 PM) (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
1:30 PM Beam transfer technology challenges, including dump and dilution system design - Wolfgang Bartmann (CERN)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
1:48 PM Collimators and dumps for FCC-hh - Dr Simone Gilardoni (CERN)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
2:06 PM Design studies for the FCC-hh beam dump - Anton Lechner (CERN)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
2:24 PM Hydrodynamic tunneling studies for a water beam dump - Naeem Ahmad Tahir (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
2:42 PM Magnetic core and semiconductor switch characterisation for an Inductive Adder kicker generator - David Woog (CERN)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
3:00 PM --- Coffee break ---
3:30 PM
16 Tesla magnet - Toru Ogitsu (until 5:00 PM) ("Charlottenburg I-II")
3:30 PM Magnet families for the FCC-hh - Dr Antoine Chance (CEA Irfu)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
3:50 PM Performance of the LHC magnets and margin - Ezio Todesco (CERN)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
4:20 PM HL-LHC focusing quadrupoles as precursors to HE-LHC/FCC magnet development - Giorgio Apollinari (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
4:40 PM Status of high field magnet technology for CEPC-SPPC - Qingjin XU (IHEP)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
3:30 PM
FCC International Steering Committee (Restricted) - Pierluigi Campana (Frascati) (until 5:00 PM) ("Dahlem")
3:30 PM
FCC-ee - Maria Enrica Biagini (until 5:00 PM) (“Pavillon”)
3:30 PM Beam-beam overview - Dmitry Shatilov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU))   (“Pavillon”)
3:55 PM Impedance model and collective effects for FCC-ee - Eleonora Belli (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))   (“Pavillon”)
4:15 PM Transient beam loading - Dmitry Teytelman (Dimtel, Inc.)   (“Pavillon”)
4:35 PM Top-up injection scheme - Masamitsu Aiba (Paul Scherrer Institut (CH))   (“Pavillon”)
3:30 PM
FCC-hh experiments and detectors - Norbert Wermes (University of Bonn (DE)) (until 5:00 PM) (“Bellevue”)
3:30 PM Tracker design overview - Zbynek Drasal (CERN)   (“Bellevue”)
3:50 PM Tracker performance studies - Estel Perez Codina (CERN)   (“Bellevue”)
4:10 PM Muon systems - Werner Riegler (CERN)   (“Bellevue”)
4:30 PM Trigger & Data Acquisition at FCC-hh - Jim Brooke (University of Bristol (GB))   (“Bellevue”)
3:30 PM
Special technologies -Dr Sara Casalbuoni (IBPT-KIT) (until 5:00 PM) (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
3:30 PM Progress with the cryogenic vacuum system of FCC-hh - Francis Perez (ALBA Synchrotron - CELLS)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
3:50 PM Proposal and simulation of the FCC-ee vacuum system - Roberto Kersevan (CERN)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
4:10 PM Summary of the requirements the FCC-hh and FCC e+e- beam instrumentation - Hermann Schmickler (CERN)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
4:30 PM Status overview of the radiation hardness assurance studies for FCC - Ruben Garcia Alia (CERN)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
5:00 PM --- Teatime ---
5:30 PM
Easitrain organization (Restricted session) (until 6:30 PM) (Charlottenburg III)
5:30 PM
FCC Collaboration Board (closed session) - Lenny Rivkin (Paul Scherrer Institut (CH)) (until 6:30 PM) (“Bellevue”)
6:30 PM
EuroCirCol Collaboration Board (closed session) - Roy Aleksan (until 7:30 PM) (“Bellevue”)
8:00 PM --- Workshop banquet with poster award ceremony ---
12:00 PM --- Lunch ---
1:30 PM
FCC-eh - Ralph Wolfgang Assmann (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) (until 3:00 PM) ("Charlottenburg I-II")
1:30 PM FCC-eh Configuration and Performance - Oliver Bruning (CERN)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
1:50 PM Detector Design - Peter Kostka (University of Liverpool (GB))   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
2:05 PM IR design - Oliver Bruning (CERN)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
2:25 PM Civil Engineering for FCC-eh IR - Joanna Louise Stanyard (CERN)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
2:35 PM PERLE ERL Facility Design - Max Klein (University of Liverpool (GB))   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
1:30 PM
FCC-hh experiments and detectors - Guido Emilio Tonelli (INFN Sezione di Pisa, Universita' e Scuola Normale Superiore, P) (until 3:00 PM) (“Pavillon”)
1:30 PM Developments for tracking and timing detectors - Norbert Wermes (University of Bonn (DE))   (“Pavillon”)
2:00 PM Future developments for high speed links - Jan Troska (CERN)   (“Pavillon”)
2:30 PM Radiation hard scintillators - Yasar Onel (The University of Iowa (US))   (“Pavillon”)
1:30 PM
Infrastructure & operation - Dimitri Delikaris (CERN) (until 3:00 PM) (“Bellevue”)
1:30 PM Towards a conceptual design for FCC cryogenics - Laurent Jean Tavian (CERN)   (“Bellevue”)
2:00 PM Cryogenic refrigeration with neon-helium mixtures for the FCC-hh - Steffen Kloeppel (TU Dresden)   (“Bellevue”)
2:20 PM Technical specifications for industry studies on the FCC cryogenic system - Francois Millet   (“Bellevue”)
2:40 PM Cryogenic distribution for FCC-hh - Paweł Duda (Wroclaw University of Technology)   (“Bellevue”)
1:30 PM
Special technologies - Egbert Fischer (until 3:00 PM) (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
1:30 PM Design status for a high field superconducting septum magnet - Kei SUGITA (GSI)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
1:48 PM First experimental results with a superconducting shield (SuShi) septum prototype - Dr Daniel Barna (Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU))   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
2:06 PM Design of 6 T superconducting dipole for SPS upgrade - Prof. Alexander Kovalenko (Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (RU))   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
2:24 PM FCC-ee Warm magnets design - Attilio Milanese (CERN)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
3:00 PM --- Coffee break ---
3:30 PM
16 Tesla magnet - Gijs De Rijk (CERN) (until 5:00 PM) (“Bellevue”)
3:30 PM Magnet status towards the CDR - Daniel Schoerling (CERN)   (“Bellevue”)
3:50 PM Cost model status towards the CDR - Daniel Schoerling (CERN)   (“Bellevue”)
4:10 PM Conductor status towards the CDR - Amalia Ballarino (CERN)   (“Bellevue”)
3:30 PM
FCC-eh - Andy Parker (University of Cambridge (GB)) (until 5:00 PM) ("Charlottenburg I-II")
3:30 PM Hard QCD, PDFs and EW - Daniel Britzger (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
3:50 PM SM and BSM Higgs - Uta Klein (University of Liverpool (GB))   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
4:10 PM Top Physics - Orhan Cakir (Ankara University (TR))   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
4:25 PM New Physics - Dr Kechen Wang (DESY / IHEP)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
4:40 PM High Density and eA Physics - Dr Guilherme Teixeira De Almeida Milhano (LIP-Lisbon & CERN TH)   ("Charlottenburg I-II")
3:30 PM
HE-LHC design - Andrei Seryi (University of Oxford (GB)) (until 5:00 PM) (“Pavillon”)
3:30 PM Baseline parameters - Frank Zimmermann (CERN)   (“Pavillon”)
3:45 PM Optics development for HE-LHC - Yuri Nosochkov   (“Pavillon”)
4:05 PM HE-LHC Triplet - Leon Van Riesen-Haupt   (“Pavillon”)
4:25 PM Nonlinear analysis and dynamic aperture - Demin Zhou (Japan Atomic Energy Agency JAEA (JP))   (“Pavillon”)
4:40 PM HE-LHC photon flux & electron cloud - Lotta Mether (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH))   (“Pavillon”)
3:30 PM
Infrastructure & operation - Lluis Secundino Miralles Verge (CERN) (until 5:00 PM) (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
3:30 PM FCC-hh operation schedule and turn-around cycle - Arto Niemi (Tampere University of Technology)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
3:50 PM FCC availability and integrated luminosity - Andrea Apollonio (CERN)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
4:15 PM FCC safety strategy for the CDR - Thomas Otto (CERN)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
4:40 PM Radioprotection matters - Markus Widorski (CERN)   (“Tiergarten I-II-III”)
5:00 PM --- Teatime ---
6:00 PM
Germany specific contributions - Joachim Mnich (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) (until 7:30 PM) (“Pavillon”)
6:00 PM XFEL status and activities at DESY - Hans Weise (DESY)   (“Pavillon”)
6:30 PM Status of the FAIR project - Prof. Jörg Blaurock (GSI)   (“Pavillon”)
7:00 PM IPP Stellarator and Tokamak Research and Technology - Klinger Thomas (MPI for Plasma Physics)   (“Pavillon”)
1:00 PM --- Free lunch break ---