29 May 2017 to 2 June 2017
Intercontinental Hotel
Europe/Zurich timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.

A high granularity hadronic calorimeter for multi TeV jets

1 Jun 2017, 09:30


Board: 4TH04D


Sergei Chekanov (Argonne National Laboratory (US))


We discuss performance requirements for future hadronic calorimeters in the context of reconstruction of multi-TeV objects (jets, particles) at a 100 TeV collider. For this study, we use a Geant4 simulation of the detector response of the SiFCC detector which is designed to study hadronic jets up to 33 TeV in transverse momentum. We show response and energy resolutions for single particles and hadronic jets in the energy range from 2 GeV to 33 TeV. In addition, we show how changes in lateral cell segmentation can affect jet-shape and jet-substructure variables used for reconstruction of highly boosted jets.


Sergei Chekanov (Argonne National Laboratory (US))


Ana Maria Henriques Correia (CERN) Ashutosh Kotwal (Duke University (US)) Carlos Solans Sanchez (CERN) Clement Helsens (CERN) James Proudfoot (Argonne National Laboratory (US)) Jan Fridolf Strube Jeremy McCormick (SLAC (US)) Jose Olivier Repond (Argonne National Laboratory (US)) Lindsey Gray (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)) Marybeth Morris Beydler (Argonne National Laboratory (US)) Nhan Viet Tran (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))

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