A 100 TeV centre-of-mass energy frontier proton collider, in a new tunnel of 80–100 km circumference, is a central part of CERN’s Future Circular Colliders (FCC) design study. The FCC will require extremely reliable kicker systems to ensure safe injection of beam. Most existing kicker systems at CERN rely on technologies which include thyratron switches and pulse-forming networks/lines (PFN/PFL). However thyratrons are susceptible to untriggered (erratic) turn-on which negatively impacts system reliability. In addition long-term commercial availability of thyratrons is a real concern. Hence alternative fast-switch technologies, based on high power semiconductor devices, are being investigated for replacing thyratrons in kicker applications: one of these technologies is the Marx generator. A semiconductor based Marx generator topology would also potentially resolve another problem, as it would eliminate the need for difficult-to-source PFL cable for the highest voltage (~80 kV) kicker systems. This paper discusses initial ideas for the application of solid-state Marx generators as thyratron replacements, with specific focus on the FCC injection system. In addition, preliminary test results on fast switching, high voltage, Silicon Carbide MOSFETS are presented and discussed.