Special technologies: Review: FCC-hh beam handling
- Michael Kenneth Sullivan (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
Special technologies: Review: Recent designs and progress
- Sara Casalbuoni (IBPT-KIT)
Special technologies: Beam vacuum
- Francis Perez (ALBA Synchrotron - CELLS)
Special technologies: Other directions for technology R&D
- Alexander Ryazanov
Special technologies: Other magnets
- Egbert Fischer
For the FCC-hh injection kicker magnet system a highly reliable generator is needed. One promising technology to reach the challenging voltage, current, rise time and flat top stability values for this application is an inductive adder (IA) based on high-power semiconductor switches. A prototype IA will be built at CERN to validate the theoretical performance and identify technology limits....
The cryogenic beam vacuum system work package (WP 4) is developing a technical design concept for the FCC-hh beam screen based on the requirements and constraints that emerge from the arc design and magnets work packages (WP 2 and WP5). Within this framework, a measurement setup was designed with the goal of determining the photodesorpotion yield, synchrotron radiation heat loads and photo...
The ultrahigh-vacuum (UHV) coupling performance of shape memory alloy (SMA) rings was investigated by finite element (FE) simulations and experimental measurements. In particular, the tightening performance of SMA rings, in terms of contact pressure and clamping/unclamping mechanisms, was studied for different values of the initial clearance between ring and vacuum pipe by means of strain...
For the FCC, challenging requirements are set for the extraction septum magnets. A scaled up LHC-like beam dump system architecture is not attractive in terms of low maximum field, lattice space requirements and power consumption. To address these challenges whilst respecting the requirements for the reliability and availability of the system, a high field massless septum with a target field...
"In the Highest Energy Proton Circular Collider ever designed, FCC-hh, a large production of Synchrotron Radiation is expected, which causes significant problems. Thus, it is very important to have an experimental characterization of optical properties of technical surfaces, in particular reflectivity and photo yield. Such material properties are essential ingredients to calculate single- and...
The parameters of the FCC-hh ring impose serious requirements on the beam extraction septa, which are very difficult to realize with the technology of the LHC. A device using a superconducting shield to create a field-free region within a strong (3-4 Tesla) magnet was proposed one year ago as a possible solution. The construction of 3 prototypes using different superconducting materials and...
One of the options being considered for the FCC-hh high energy injector is a superconducting machine replacing the SPS, so to increase the energy from the current 450 GeV to 1.3 TeV. This synchrotron would operate in a cycled mode also to feed experimental areas, much like the SPS nowadays. Due to this specific cycled operation, innovative design and development approaches will be required to...