We present the concept for a new optics for the main Experimental Interaction Region (EIR) of the FCC-hh. This optics is fully symmetric for either side of the IP and for either plane. The luminosity evolution and a schematic of the first quadrupole is shown.
Particle accelerators exhibit complex behaviour emerging from the interaction of diverse machine systems, services, beam and environmental conditions. Since 2015 we explore the fitness of probabilistic reliability engineering to particle accelerators. The investigation relies on the LHC as use-case. Results indicate that the approach, already well established in manufacturing, automotive,...
The cooling of the superconducting magnet cold masses with superfluid helium (HeII) is a well-established concept successfully in operation since years in the LHC. Consequently, its application for the cooling of FCC magnets is an obvious option. The 12-kW heat loads distributed over 10-km long sectors not only require an adaption of the magnet bayonet heat exchangers, but also present new...
The copper current density plays important role in the quench protection of superconducting magnets. In non-graded magnets the worst case hot spot is typically at the location of the highest magnetic field and with active quench protection the temperature of the rest of the magnet is kept relatively isothermal. Graded superconducting magnets pose new challenges to the quench protection because...
As a charged particle beam is aligned with one of the main axes of a slightly bent crystal, most of the particles follows the crystal curvature due to multiple scattering with bent crystal atomic strings, the so called stochastic deflection. Indeed, in the case of positively charged particles, a portion of the beam may escape from the axial confinement to planar channeling. We investigated...
Previous studies already showed that the FCC-hh beam intensities are limited by the resistive wall and the collimator impedances. In addition, electron clouds also contribute to the total impedance and could be the cause of instabilities. Numerical model of beam instabilities taking into account the impedance model is being developed. This should also be extended and include electron...
A multiparticle Bose–Einstein symmetrization can enhance the emission of pions and as consequence can lead to the pion condensation in strong interactions at high energies. Onset of the Bose–Einstein condensation is driven by the critical space density of charged secondary bosons which are mostly pions. The energy dependence of space pion density at freeze-out and its critical value,...
FCC-ee is an e+e- circular collider designed to accelerate and collide electron and positron beams. One of the most critical aspects to be addressed in the design phase is the intensity limitation due to collective effects which can produce instabilities, limit the accelerator operation and reduce its performance. The studies presented in this contribution are focused on the electromagnetic...
Cost-effective superconducting dipole magnets with operating fields up to 16 T are being considered for the LHC energy upgrade (HE-LHC) or a Future Circular Collider (FCC). Design studies of 16 T Nb3Sn dipole magnets based on 2-, 3- and 4-layer 50 mm aperture cos-theta coils with and without stress management elements are being conducted at Fermilab. The goal of these studies is to explore the...
Kobe Steel Ltd. have been doing research of Nb3Sn wire since 1980s’, and Japan Superconductor Technology, Inc. (JASTEC), one of her affilieted company manufacturing superconducting wire and magunet, has high production capacity of Bronz(Cu-Sn alloy) routed Nb3Sn wire. JASTEC was one of the main supplier of Nb3Sn strand for ITER (International Thermal Experimental Reactor) project, and supplied...
In order to decrease the beam impedance the beam screen of the FCC ring is planned to receive a high-temperature superconductor coating. However the persistent currents induced in the coating would distort the ring's magnetic field. Rather than trying to suppress this effect we examine the possibility to use a tailored thickness profile of the coating such that these currents produce a field...
An optimized design of a final-focus system for the main EIR of FCC-hh is presented here. The new design is more compact and enables unequal in both planes, whose choice is justified here. This is followed by energy deposition studies, where the total dose in the magnets as a consequence of the collision debris is evaluated.
In FCC-hh one of the most challenging issue will be the control of all possible instabilities that could occur. In order to do so,most simulation programs need realistic inputs measured in experimental conditions as close as possible to the ones that will occur in the machine. Most of the accelerators walls will see the beam while being at low temperatures and their relevant properties will...
For precision measurement of Higgs bason and searching for evidences of new physics beyond the Standard Model, China proposed a strategy of CEPC-SPPC, which plans to build a pp collider ( SPPC ) after the phase of ee Higgs factory ( CEPC ). In November 2016, CEPC-SPPC Steering Committee decided to adopt the baseline design of 100 km tunnel. This paper will present the progress of lattice...
In the framework of Future Circular Collider study, copper coated with niobium cavities must be fabricated to operate at a frequency of 400MHz. The two half-cells, to make one cavity, are traditionally manufactured by spinning through multiple forming steps, comprising intermediates heat treatments to achieve the required shape. Finally, the two half-cells are welded at the equator by...
The baseline design of the FCC-hh beam screen is based on a 1 mm thick octagonal shaped stainless steel tube coated with a 300µm layer of copper. In the foreseen operating temperature of 40K to 60K the intended coating provides an impedance already close to the acceptable limit for a stable beam. In order to reduce the coupling impedance, we investigate High-Temperature Superconductor (HTS)...
The development os a new-generation particle Monte Carlo generator for simulating high-energy heavy-ion collisions, HIJING++ is under development. The completely rewritten version of the FORTRAN-based HIJING2.1 relies on the latest version of PYTHIA8 and contains all the nuclear effects has been included in the HIJING2.1. The code is written in C++ and due to its modualarity, supports parallel...
A collaboration project between Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona-CSIC (“ICMAB”), Institut de Física d’Altes Energies (“IFAE”), ALBA Synchrotron Light source (“ALBA) and CERN has been established in order to obtain physical results to evaluate the use of Coated Conductors (CC) tapes as elements for the beam screen for FCC-hh based on its expected low surface impedance and high...
The Future Circular Collider (FCC) under study at CERN will produce 50-TeV high-energy proton beams. The high-energy particle beams are bent by 16-T superconducting dipole magnets operating at 1.9 K and distributed over a circumference of 80 km. The circulating beams induce 5 MW of dynamic heat loads by several processes such as synchrotron radiation, resistive dissipation of beam image...
In spite of the maturity of Nb3Sn internal tin wires designing and production routes there are still significant R&D needed for attaining of the challenging set of requirements specific for high field dipole magnets. The development of layouts and processing of Nb3Sn internal tin strands with non copper critical current density exceeding 2450 A/mm2 altogether with reasonably low hysteresis...
The current FCC-hh beam screen proposal includes pumping holes of considerable area hidden behind a shield. Although each hole's contribution to the ring impedance is negligible, the effect of a large number of pumping holes in a very large ring (constructive interference) has to be considered.
On one hand, due to evanescent coupling and the shield, space-discretisizing eigenmode and...
For the design of FCC-hh superconducting magnets an increase of the high field critical currents in commercial Nb3Sn wires by about 50 % is required. Feasibility of reaching this target has already been demonstrated by fast neutron irradiation induced defects. In this study, the underlying mechanisms are investigated through combined microstructural and magnetic analysis for realization in an...
The proposed FCC Beam Dump architecture consists of a large number of kicker magnets to assure a fast and safe beam deflection. The High Voltage (HV) pulse generators will produce fast controlled capacitor discharges through HV power switches into lumped inductance magnets. As for the LHC Beam Dump System (LBDS), an erratic triggering (i.e. self-trigger) of one or more of the 300 generator...
A novel technique to build high efficiency, modular, scalable, high availability solid-state amplifiers has been developed. The system allows for easy adjustment of single SSPA RF power to the power profile of the accelerator. High availability due to the use of unique technology of RF switches together with ""hot swap"" feature allows almost infinite constant running of the machine.
The total...
Large cryogenic systems as projected for FCC need a large number of cryogenic and warm valves. Most of these valves are control or metering valves guided by a PLC generated signal. Furthermore also, actuated shut-off valves are needed. Today such valves are driven by pneumatic actuators with electro-pneumatic control. The supply pneumatic system and electric signal cabling increases with the...
Ultra high vacuum in the beam pipe is a basic requirement for the Future Circular Colliders (FCC). The dimension of the FCC and the high energy of the particles will make this requirement challenging. Simulations that predict the vacuum quality due to material and beam induced effects will allow to evaluate different designs and to choose an optimal solution.
The mathematical model behind...
In this work, we have investigated Higgs-gauge boson couplings via e-p->e-qh process at the Future Circular eh Collider (FCC-eh). The limits on the anomalous hVV couplings in this process are obtained by using MadGraph5 multi-purpose event generator at the parameters of the FCC-eh.
Following the discovery of a Higgs boson with a mass of about 125 GeV, subsequent measurements have confirmed its central role in the spontaneous breaking of electroweak symmetry. Currently, a wide-reaching programme of measurements is being proposed both for the HL-LHC
and future electron-positron colliders to clarify the properties of the observed Higgs boson. Nevertheless, its role in the...
Possible extensions of the Higgs sector can be searched for a wide range of parameter space in the high energy proton-proton collisions. The searches of the heavy Higgs bosons have special challenges at present high energy colliders. One of the future international projects currently under consideration is the Future Circular Collider (FCC) which has the potential to search for a wide...
The Future Circular Collider (FCC) is being designed to reach h-h collisions at an unprecedented energy level of 100 TeV, about 8 times higher than in today`s Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Because of the increased energy and luminosity during FCC operation, radiation levels will likely exceed several tens of MGy (with >10e17 particles/cm2) inside the FCC experiments, and tens of KGy (with...
Following the FCC study and its recent developments, it is evident that due to the nature, size, scale and complexity of the environment, the deployment of conventional repair methods and technologies will be insufficient in the FCC. Human intervention will be limited or even counterproductive because of the safety issues, time constraints and related costs. At the same time, it appears that...
Resonant production of l ̃ and ν ̃ at the FCC has been considered. For example, scalar neutrino may be investigated trough subprocess (dd)→ ν ̃→ l+ l'- These processes have great potantial for determination of RPV couplings.
A 100 TeV centre-of-mass energy frontier proton collider, in a new tunnel of 80–100 km circumference, is a central part of CERN’s Future Circular Colliders (FCC) design study. The FCC will require extremely reliable kicker systems to ensure safe injection of beam. Most existing kicker systems at CERN rely on technologies which include thyratron switches and pulse-forming networks/lines...
We present in this paper a detailed analysis of the synchrotron radiation emitted by the 50 TeV protons of the FCC-hh in the last bending and quadrupole magnets upstream the interaction region. We discuss the characteristics of this radiation in terms of power, flux, photon spectrum and fans in different running conditions such as, for example, with and without crossing angle.
We mainly focus...