22–23 Sept 2016
LPC, Fermilab
US/Central timezone
This event is sponsored by the DOE HEP Center for Computing Excellence. The DOE will spend $0.5B over the next three years to replace current High Performance Computing (HPC) resources with new machines. Current machines provide about 15B core-hours per year to scientific research, with LHC experiments using around 100M core-hours per year. The new machines will provide more than an order of magnitude increase in the computing resources available at the institutes with HPCs such as the NERSC (National Energy Research Scientific Computing) center, the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility, and the Oak Ridge Computing Facility. HEP must focus on using these machines effectively in order to achieve the science goals set out by the P5 report. With this in mind, Argonne and the LHC Physics Center (LPC) at Fermilab are hosting this workshop to bring together authors of parton event generators, NLO/NNLO calcuations and software experts from HPC institutes. The goal is to work toward HPC friendly codes that allow for the most compute intensive calculations to scale to millions of parallel processes. Taylor Childers and Elizabeth Sexton-Kennedy Co-Chairs of the Organizing Committee Local Organizing Committee: Taylor Childers (Argonne) Bo Jayatilaka (Fermilab) Elizabeth Sexton-Kennedy (Fermilab) David Sheffield (Rutgers) Gabriele Benelli and Nadja Strobbe (LPC Event Committee Chairs) Boaz Klima and Meenakshi Narain (LPC Coordinators)
LPC, Fermilab
The West Wing, Wilson Hall 10th floor NW corner (WH10NW)
Some hotel options nearby: Fairfield Inn & Suits 1847 W Diehl Rd, Naperville, IL 60563 (630) 548-0966 https://goo.gl/maps/UonXpbexzDG2 Comfort Inn & Suits 1555 E Fabyan Pkwy, Geneva, IL 60134 (630) 208-8811 https://goo.gl/maps/av5tpB69YzP2
Application for this event is currently open.