15–20 Oct 2017
Europe/Paris timezone

Shared Contract of Service with an Industrial-Supplier of a Particle Therapy Facility

19 Oct 2017, 10:00


Hôtel Le Louis, Versailles Château (Pullman Versailles)
Talk Medical Accelerators 12- Medical


Samuel Meyroneinc (Institut Curie –Centre de Protonthérapie)


From now seven years, Institut Curie-CPO has a shared contract of maintenance with the supplier of his Particle Therapy facility. The two main reasons of this decision were: 1. the connection of this new device to the two historic beamlines 2. the existing local team already involved in Particle Therapy Equipment, including the particle accelerator. We will mainly describe:
- the principles discussed and signed in the first contract: training, way of operations, preventive and corrective maintenance, …
- the realities on the deployment of this contract, from the early years (ex: learning curves) to the middle-term adjustments (technical and organizational)
- the lessons learned from this middle-term history (ex: what kind of Key Performance Indicators)
- the present situation and the challenges expected for the next years.


Samuel Meyroneinc (Institut Curie –Centre de Protonthérapie)


Annalisa Patriarca (Institut Curie –Centre de Protonthérapie) Jean-Dominique Bocquet (Institut Curie –Centre de Protonthérapie) Caroline Devalckenaere (Institut Curie –Centre de Protonthérapie) Romain De Abreu (Institut Curie –Centre de Protonthérapie) Anthony Maroni (Institut Curie –Centre de Protonthérapie) Stéphane Thépault (Institut Curie –Centre de Protonthérapie) Eric Hierso (Institut Curie –Centre de Protonthérapie) Eric Brot (Institut Curie –Centre de Protonthérapie) Luc Fugeray (Institut Curie –Centre de Protonthérapie) Vincent Delivet (Institut Curie –Centre de Protonthérapie) Frédéric Martin (Institut Curie –Centre de Protonthérapie)

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