Recent RHIC and LHC results and their implications for heavy ion physics in the 2020's
Kolker Room (Bldg. 26-414) (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Kolker Room (Bldg. 26-414)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
Bolek Wyslouch(Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US)), Gunther Roland(Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US)), Yen-Jie Lee(Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
In the 2015 US Nuclear Physics Long Range Plan, the Hot QCD community outlined an experimental and theoretical program to study the nature and microscopic structure of the Quark-Gluon Plasma using multiscale probes such as jets and quarkonia.
The goal of this workshop is to review lessons from recent data and theoretical progress, and to discuss implications on how to best exploit new experimental capabilities at RHIC and LHC in the 2020's. This will be part of a continuing effort to evolve and sharpen the science case for sPHENIX and the LHC Run 3/4 upgrades.