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7–9 Dec 2016
Europe/Zurich timezone

Coulomb excitation of $^{206}$Po and $^{208,210}$Rn

8 Dec 2016, 09:30
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


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Submitted HIE-ISOLDE Results


Tuomas Grahn


The $B(E2; 2^+_1 \to 0^+_1)$ values have been measured in the $^{208,210}$Rn and $^{206}$Po nuclei by employing Coulomb excitation in inverse kinematics at CERN-ISOLDE using the MINIBALL $\gamma$-ray spectrometer. These nuclei have been proposed to lie in, or at the boundary of the region where the seniority scheme should persist. However, contributions from collective excitations are likely to be present when moving away from the $N=126$ shell closure. Such an effect is confirmed by the observed increased collective $2^+_1 \to 0^+_1$ transitions. Experimental results have been interpreted with the aid of theoretical studies carried out within the BCS-based QRPA framework. The present work contributes to understanding of nuclear structure around the doubly closed-shell nucleus $^{208}$Pb.

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